Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I hate coming in here to write this post, because it's too sad and feels like the end of an era. 

Yesterday we said goodbye to Rosco.  Rosco who was the doodle inspiration behind DK. 

Rosco, *my* first dog.  

I don't really want to write a long memoir.  His story is interspersed all over DK.  

This was a short walk we took over Christmas break.  He didn't have much energy, but he seemed to be up a lot at night, and this was my attempt to get him "tired enough."  

When my youngest was a baby, I took photos of him with Rosco, month-by-month.  

We did that again on Rosco's last day.

One of my favorite photos of him is of the day I picked him up at the breeder's... Giant pup with the face of Andy Rooney.  He was mellow as can be, but turned into Jaws at random hours of the day.  Wasn't fully potty trained (i.e. had accidents) until he was nearly a year and even then you couldn't leave him too long ... for years!  I'm convinced his bladder was the size of a grape for years.

Rest in peace, my sweet boy.  You were a GOOD dog.

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I am so sorry to hear about Rosco. He is a good boy, and he was very loved.

My heart breaks for you. I am so, so very sorry. He knew what a good life you gave him.  Keeping you and your family in our prayers.

What a shock!  All of you gave so much love to each other. I'm so sorry for your loss.

So sorry to hear of the loss of your Rosco. There really is something to the experience of our "own" first dog. The loss is deep but the great memories remain. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

Adina -

We feel your pain.  Sorry for your loss.  He will live forever in our hearts.

Andy & Sharon

(Shayna & Corey)

Adina. I'm so sorry to hear about Rosco After recently losing Gus I know how you feel. Rest in peace sweet boy.

Dear Adina and Clark, I am terribly sorry that your sweet Rosco has passed away. I'd say he was an outstandingly good dog, if there is such a thing :o) Our boys have grown up together here on DK, and I feel a great appreciation for what you have done to bring together such a supportive virtual community. 

A true legacy!   I've admired Rosco for a Decade now. I thank him so much for giving us all the best start to a dog life we could ever imagine. Because of him, I made the life-long friendships and memories.  

Thank you Rosco, and family for everything.  

My heart is sad today with you.

With tears and love, I wish you goodbye.  

The Rainbow Bridge sure got a lucky this week. 

Amen, Joanne.

Thank you everyone for your kind, heartfelt words.  It means a lot that you cared about Rosco and us, virtually.  Every now and then I hear a sound that I think is him for a split second. 

The night before his last day, his dog sitter came over to say goodbye.  He's a teen boy from our church who lives several houses down and the dogs love him.  I let his mom know that before the weekend in case he'd want to see Rosco again.  I thought it was so wonderful of him to visit.  I was craving people who loved Rosco.  So I appreciated that.

The kids wanted to be there to say goodbye so the day of we pulled them out of school after lunch and they were present when the vet came to our house.  I wasn't sure how they would react.  But there was not a dry eye among them, which surprised me and comforted me because I worried they just wouldn't feel much.  I don't know if that's weird.  It was hard to see them so upset at the same time.  But they seem to have bounced back very quickly with a little more love and appreciation toward Boca.

Looking back at photos and memories, really pointed out how far gone he was his last few weeks.  He was such a fabulous dog, opened up my world in so many ways.  Was my main hobby until kids came along.  And when kids came long he accepted them 100%.  Never a snarl or reason to worry about him. 

Healthwise, he had entropian eye and an undescended testicle as a pup.  At age 5 he developed seizures.  And then around age 11 he started growing a massive lipoma.  But through all that I still considered him quite healthy.  But looking back there was a clear and big difference the last while.  He only slept, ate, drank and wandered the yard aimlessly.  Very weak and often unsteady.  He had gotten to the point where he didn't interact or seek attention or even seem like he liked being touched.  When the vet arrived, he barely acknowledged it.  I think he was ready if a dog can be ready.  I wasn't ready, but I know we did the right thing, but man that the surrounding days felt gloomy.

Thank you again for being a wonderful community of caring doodle people!  

Never enough time with our furry friends...never.  So sad, so sorry. You are in my thoughts.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. Hugs to you and your family.



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