Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Wrangler went to rattlesnake avoidance class today! He did great. He was definitely traumatized but he bounced back after every ‘test’! The process is first the handler shows him a smaller snake and if he goes near it – and the idea is to get him to go near it - he gets zapped with the shock collar. Next he is tested with a skin shed to condition him to fear the smell. After that, there’s a recording of the snakes rattle to condition him to fear the sound. Lastly, he goes by a big rattlesnake as a final test. After the skin portion, Wrangler was so traumatized he sat in the handler’s lap and didn’t want to give it up! 

Although I hate to do things like this, I’m really glad I did it. I think there’s a good chance that a rattlesnake may have attempted his curiosity, but not now! It was very educational for him and now I’ll feel much better about him being out and about. 

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We went through the training last year and need to do a refresher next class that comes up. I think it's a great thing to do. I also get Picco the vaccination every spring as an extra precaution. Luckily haven't had an encounter with nasty rattlers on our hikes!

You will be glad you did this.  My last three dogs have had snake aversion training and it does last!  You may need to do it again in 1 to 2 years.



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