Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Summer has now been home for 2 weeks and has grown from 4 lbs 6 oz to over 6 lbs (WOW). For those of you who didn't see my previous posts about my anxiety over her coat, she is an F2 Irish Setter x Standard Poodle and the full sister to a 2 year old male dog I helped raise in DC.

She is a constant source of delight, and a very easy puppy so far. She has slept through the night every night since we got her home, for which I am so, so grateful. She's also done fabulously with housebreaking, and now asks to go out. We do lots of "school" which she loves, and she is a fetch-master (or blossoming monster). She bites quite a bit but we are working steadily on this.

The only problem at this juncture is that her skin is dry and itchy. She received nitenpyram (Capstar) on the day she came home, and got her first dose of NexGard 2 days later after her vet visit. She does have a few mostly-healed flea bites, but she just seems soooo much itchier than her brother was. Some of it is self-calming, because she will do it when she feels uncomfortable, but any time I rub or scratch her flanks or neck or bum she air-scratches. 

She does have a bit of dandruff. Can anyone suggest a good moisturizing conditioner? I've applied coconut oil but it's hard to get it down to her skin, as her coat is so dense. 


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First of all, make sure you are using a shampoo designed for dogs, not humans, and don't get a really' perfumy' one.  Secondly don't over bathe her or it will dry out her skin. My doodle that is more poodley, has drier, more delicate skin than my other doodles. One of the best shampoos for dogs with skin sensitivities is Douxo Calm shampoo for dogs.  Here is a link, but you can get it many places.

Yes I imagine it's like human babies, their skin fares best if it's mostly left alone.  

We've used Mane 'n Tail conditioner on Riley a couple times and it works well.  If it doesn't work out for pup you can use it for yourself instead ;)

I like Mane 'N Tail also, J.

I will just second Nancy's comment.  Dogs do not need baths like humans do. Better than a bath is frequent brushing to pull the oil from their skin done through their coat Once a month shampoo is plenty unless very dirty.  Grown dogs that are hospital dogs get a bath once a week with very gentle shampoo.  even bathing once a month, dilute the puppy shampoo about 1 to 5 in a different bottle and you will find it is easier to use without using too much and it lasts a long time.

Mostly just brush, brush brush.



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