Lizzie, our 9-month old goldendoodle, was out in her first snow yesterday. She loved it but came back in the house with balls of ice & snow stuck in her paws. I tried melting the ice with a hair dryer, but she hated the noise and wouldn't stay still. Anyone have suggestions for how to keep the ice and snow from sticking to her paws or how to melt it?
Molly's paws were full of "ice balls" today when she came in from a long play in the snow. I did the warm water in a tupperware bowl and they melted pretty quickly. Worked great for us!
We use an old cat litter tray, fill it with lukewarm water and ger our doodle to walk through it on the way into the house, then we dry his feet off with a towel and give him a general rubdown, anything that is left drip dries! You should wash their paws when you come from a walk in incase they have salt on them or have walked through chemicals on the sidewalk such as anti-freeze. You definitely don't want them to be licking that off their feet. When the weather got really snowy and cold we had to resort to boots as his feet were collecting snowballs really badly and getting cracked and sore. He adapted to the use of the boots really quickly, with the help of some tasty treats!!