I have a 5 month old F1b goldendoodle who just went to the groomer's for the first time on Tuesday. Last night he started chewing the fur off not just one leg but both! I kept giving him toy's instead but he went right back to his leg. I know it's not due to boredom because he get's plenty of attention. Could he be having a reaction to something they used at the groomer's? Has anyone else ever had this happen??
Zoey is 4 months old and I have noticed she is chewing the fur off her hip. I had the vet check her to make sure nothing was there and she is healthy and not bored I have 2 other dogs and she goes to work with doodle dad everyday. I hope she stops soon. Let me know how you are making out with this problem.
I think if it were me - I would probably give him a bath and see if that helps. It certainly couldn't hurt...It could be they used something that is irritating him. Or maybe they didn't rinse him well enough on the legs.
A bath would be a good place to start...
I have an F1 Goldendoodle and I don't even use dog shampoo since she has hair and not fur. I use Pantene 2 in 1 shampoo with conditioner on Gracie and she never scratches or chews. It would be a good idea to give your baby a good bath and use something very gentle and conditioning. My Gracie's coat is gorgeous so it must be the "human" shampoo!!!
Plus...he will smell sooooo good. You will want to take him to bed and snuggle with him all night!
PS You might want to take a close look at the area and see if there is any razor burn or if he got nicked with scissors or a comb.