Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lets post some information about ourselves and doodles:

Age of doodle:
Favorite water activity:
Fun Fact:

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That's Moose's favorite way to share his water bowl also. It must be a doodle thing! That or he rubs his face on the leather furniture. :)
Age: Moose (chocolate phantom) will be 4 in May and Mica (all black) will be 3 in July
Type: Both are first gen labradoodles
Favorite Water Activity: Swimming of course. Any large body of water that does not look remotely like a bath tub will do. Unfortunately we are land locked, so it is mostly the pond at the dog park. However, they also like the ocean.
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Fun Fact: They both love to retrieve their water wubba (or any floating toy). Moose pussy foots into the water. Mica will run and dive off the edge. They often meet in the water and "share" the retrieving of the toy.
great pictures! they look like they are having so much fun.
great pictures.
Age: 9 months
Type: F1 labradoodle
Favorite water activity: he just had his first swim yesterday so, so far his favorite is playing frisbee and fetching sticks in the water--will find out more as it keeps getting warmer
Location: Plattsburgh, NY
Fun fact: He has a pretty doodley look most of the time, neither breed really sticks out, but when he gets wet he instantly turns into a poodle! anyone else have this?
Age: Molly is 1yr 23days old
Type: Female F2 Black Goldendoodle
Location: Wellington, Ks
Fun Fact: Molly just loves the water and I believe she is part Fish. She seems to get soaked from head to tail whether it's her water bowl after playing ball, her doggy pool in the summer or the dew on the grass in the morning. That's the good thing about having shorter hair in the summer....She dries quick!!
Kensi def takes on the look of a poodle when she gets soaked!
Age: Four months
uype: australian Labradoodle, apricot colored, named Buddy
Favorite Activity in Water: showering with mom, knocking over my water bowl to check to see if there is enough water in there, drinking water from the driveway cracks after it rains, jumpin in the air to see if I can catch water ( or snow) when it rains!
Location: Suburb of Kansas City Missouri
Fun fact: working on my canine good citizen test for May
2 months. Labradoodle. Puddles. loves un stuffed Ducks.
Age: Hollywood is 2yrs. old.
Type: Female Goldendoodle
Favorite Water Activity: Swimming in the inground pool at her doggy daycare
Location: Mechanicsville, VA
Fun Fact: I had just gotten to the daycare at 4:30 to pick Hollywood up for the day, and she could see me drive up through the fence. She was standing by the pool and looked mostly dry (dried out from the sun from playing in the water all day). I didn't want her to jump in so I wouldn't have a wet dog to drive home, muchless the smell of a wet dog! She looked at me and then the pool, as I'm yelling, "dont jump in, Hollywood". What'd she do? Looked at the pool, looked at me and then jumped in bellyfirst and if to say, "look at me mommy, look what I can do!", just like a little kid at the pool. It was hilarious but made a very wet drive home :-)
Halas is a mini F1 goldendoodle, born 9/1/07, so he's getting close to 2 years old. He loves to swim. He's only had a couple of opportunities to try it, but he's gone right into the water and started swimming both times he's had the chance. No hesitation at all. I wish I had a pool or lake for him to swim in. We live in Pekin, IL, which is in central Illinois, near Peoria. Fun fact: Halas also has a kiddie pool, and it's what first made me realize that he wanted to swim. Even with only a few inches of water in it, he would lightly paw at the water with a front paw. And sometimes one of his back legs would start twitching, like he was trying to tread water. I'm looking forward to the pics and posts in this group. I'll try to get a couple posted of Halas soon.
welcome Leslie!



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