Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Help! Need advice on how to get RID of the crate and still get some sleep!

We adopted Bodi in October (at age 2) and he was used to being in the crate during the work day and then again at night. I've never crated dogs before, but I went along with it since it was easy and I never had to worry about what he's getting into.

Now I would like to get rid of the crate. Bodi is great during the day. I love seeing his face at the window when I leave and when I return. He hasn't been a problem at all. During the night is another story. He is on our bed, off the bed, in my face wanting to play, kissing my DH, etc. His ID and license drove us crazy last night every time he itched . . . I know I can get rubber covers for those, but how do I get Bodi to SLEEP or at least let us sleep!?!

I'm hoping for quick advice or my DH will have him back in the crate tonight!

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This is odd, most people want their dogs in the crate at night and they don't want to be in there. Anyway, maybe if you leave him in the house and not in you bedroom. What if you close the bedroom door? I know, that's scary I think. Sorry this hasn't been much help.
I scotch tape the tags on the collar. Keeps the noise down.

I could suggest exercising/walking him before you go to bed so he is good and tired and starts associating bedtime in your bedroom as QUIET playing!!!

Good luck!!! I so need my zzzzzzs I would put him back in the crate if I didn't get those!!!
I agree with the exercise before bestime. Also, I always take my dog's collars off at night..........just seems like it is more comfortable to be without collars for sleeping : )
I agree with the excercise suggestion before bedtime. Ours love to sleep with us, if they get too restless, or bark at the dogs barking outside and disrupt our sleep they get put in their crates. They use their crates whenever they want, but they are always left open. They would rather be with us than zipped in the crates, so it only takes a night in the crate to get them back on track :) I guess this would only work if Bodi wants to sleep with you more than he cares about sleeping in his crate. Usually they much prefer our beds and warm bodies, good luck!

We take collars off in the house, they play all the time and I get nervous someone will get caught up.
Some dogs like the feeling of being enclosed. My last dog hated it, but when his buddy dog stayed at our house when his family was gone he would sleep under the bed. Our dog now loves being in her crate. We took the door off a year ago, but she still gets in there to sleep every night.
I sould suggest putting the crate in your bedroom with the door fastened open. Exercise right before bedtime if you can manage it is also good. But since he was sleeping in his crate without fussing, I think he probably just misses the security of his crate. If it is available to him he probably will be fine. At first he may be a little confused, but if you do not reenforce his attention seeking behavior (kissing, etc). He can learn to sleep in your room,but not on the bed if you want. If there is not already a pad, blanket, or whatever in his crate put one in it now. After a few weeks of quiet in your bedroom, remove the crate, leave the crate pad where the crate was and it should be over. If you want to you can remove the crate pad and replace it with nothing or a pet bed after a few more weeks. Meanwhile spend some time teaching "down" and "off" to use when he needs to lay down and to get off the bed. Good Luck
Thanks for all of the advice! Things are going much, much better. The crate is still in our first floor hallway, where it has always been. Bodi never fussed about going in but I feel guilty about locking him up so much of the time! He hasn't gone in the crate at all.

I am now removing his collar at night. Ahhhh . . . that helped so much! He is still somewhat active, but only woke me up twice last night. Both times I told him to lay down and he did. I closed my eyes and put my hands under the blankets - I think he knows that I'm not going to pet or play! We are on spring break and I didn't get up until 7:30 this morning! NO complaints about that!



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