Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I have a slight problem. I cannot separate Noah and Sherlock into different rooms when I want to train them individually with the clicker. Even when I give them wonderful treats (i.e. bone stuffed with deli meat and cheese) and leave one of them in another room with my sister, the dog who I am not training will bark and not stop crying until he can see what I'm doing with his brother. I can't deal with the barking and since I live in an apartment, I'm sure my neighbors would get mad. Plus the barking just distracts the dog I'm trying to work with. I've resorted to just tethering one and working with the other (in the same room). It's been rainy and windy out lately so otherwise I would go work outside with each individually... This is very frustrating. I'm wondering if the one who is tethered is going to get confused with the clicks that are directed towards my other dog. Does anyone else have this problem with multiple dogs?

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What I do is put the one dog outside and work the other in the house but I guess that won't work for you, I do see you problem. I find it hard to work with Fergie on her walks with Lucy around and I'm not clicker training her. It is cute though. Lucy sits and looks like @ me like "I'm sittng nice, pay attn to me." I feel bad and laugh and try to continue but it's to fun and sometimes we get noplace. The thing is I enjoy these dogs so much. Sorry, I'm no help.
I don't think they get confused because even in clicker CLASSES dogs do fine with the myriad of clicks in the air. They know when you are working with them and when they are not part of the game (though they may want to be).

I did all this week's indoor stuff in my kitchen with the other 2 dogs salivating behind the baby gate that separates the living room from kitchen. They all did fine despite hearing clicks for another dog.
Also..not sure how this will work with clicker training..but in other training I did with Rosco his name preceeded any command. And I worked to proof him against acting on commands without his name or with a different name. I suppose this would fall under 'stimulus control'.
I have been working with both of mine mostly together. I try to have one sit and then work with the other one. I think I am doing it right and they seem to be working well together. They had a lot of the basics, sit,down,over and a pretty good stay going in to this. So might change when we get a little more advanced. We will have to see, but for now they are enjoying working together and seem to know if I click for one and the other has not done what I asked...that one then "gets it" and does what was asked!! Good Luck..and if someone thinks I am doing this wrong, PLEASE let me know!! Thanks and once again, Good Luck to all of us...(and, I agree with Fergie...I enjoy them both so much, sometimes you just have to laugh and love on them!!)
I forgot, I also make sure to use their names individually, so they know I am talking to them...helps with their own "name recognition also... thanks for sharing that you use this also, Adina!
Just started loading the clicker for Buddy, and he is crazy in love with it! I am not sure how to go about training Two this way though ? Can I use the clicker with him, and the "good" word with Kona? She is very responsive to this word, can the word and the clicker be interchangeable? As I click I say good? I am very excited, Buddy's recall from outside was instant this morning, click and treat, he was slow to not before :)
I train my two dogs together also. It seems to work well, even though it is pretty counter intuitive. Both Roo and Tigger have pretty good sits, downs, and waits, like Denice's dogs, so that probably helps. my longer response I have already entered under clicker success stories.



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