Astro Region
Round 1
Number 7
He is up against a cat hugging a dog
Voting starts TODAY if you have time to Click!
This picture was taken when Guinness vacationed in Janesville Wi and had the pleasure of being a guest of Babe Kowalski Beasly at the Dunkin Dawg indoor pool!!
(what we won't do for our doggies!! LOL)
Thank you Debbie!!
He is the only dog that is up against a cat, so I think he needs some doodle power to make it through round 1!!
We appreciate your vote!!
Thanks Joyce!! Your Guinness is a doll!!
Your vote isn't too late, he has to beat the cat by Wed!! Then he has dogs,if he makes it past Wed.
It is set up similar to March Madness and basketball.
Hey! He's in the FINALS!!! I voted for him. Unless Willie is a member of "BassetKisses"... he doesn't stand a chance! Go vote for Guiness... it's your patriotic duty. ;-)