Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've got to share this one. I'm taking Adina's advice and keeping Kendall leashed to me during the day. She knows how to ring the bell to go out, but she still has had accidents. Anyway, my husband and I figured out that when we say "Go Potty" she gets "in the position" and looks for the treat. She might "Go Potty" the first time, but after that it's just pretend! We finally wised up!

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Bodi pretends to pee on a tree if he wants to turn around and check out a dog/cat/squirrel/bird/rabbit that I have pulled him away from !
Our Maggie does this. She hates to go out in the rain or in wet grass and so when we tell her to "hurry up" she "fakes" it to come in!
These dogs are way too smart. Have you started to take away the treat when Kendall is faking it?
My Yorkie Sadie did this for awhile until winter came and I noticed the snow wasn't yellow. I can't believe how smart dogs are!
These dogs are smarter than us. It is amazing what they come up with. If you don't see a stream I wouldn't give a treat. :)



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