Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok, this is getting out of hand. At 3:30 am Cody started barking. We let him bark for a half hour. I then got up to let him out and then of course he wanted breakfast. He went back to sleep immediately. We have tried having him sleep in our room but he does the same thing. I kept him up last night till about 9:30 but he likes sleeping in the early evening. I hope I am making sense as it is now 4 am. Any suggestions.

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It's hard to keep them up in the evening if they are tired. I assume Cody is too young to walk much yet. I guess engage him as much as you can in the evenings with play time, going outside, etc. so he will stay awake AND be tired. Also, middle of the night is only a potty break time, not an eating time. If he gets used to having his own way and eating when he gets up, he'll just keep doing it. I was told (by knowledgable members of this site!) that a nighttime potty break is just that - no talking, no playing, no food, no water, just potty outside and back to bed.
If he slept from 9:30 to 3:30 that's actually pretty good - 6 hours from a young puppy with no potty break is about all you can expect, I think. But after the break, back to bed.
ugh...that's so frustrating. Rosco went through a period of waking up OFTEN at night...usually having to go potty. It drove me bonkers--and he was not a puppy! I agree with Sophie and Lucy's mom...just take him out on leash...wait for potty...then bring him right back and say good night. DO NOT give him breakfast or he will keep trying for it. He can wait, he's just trying something new in case it works =)

Did he have much poo or pee to do at that time? If so perhaps cutting off his water supply 2 hours before bed might help.
I can not sympathize with you as Lucy slept throughout the night from day 2. I would be going nuts too. I agree though with Sandy. If the pup knows that when he wakes you up you will automatically take him out, feed him or whatever he wants he will continue this behavior. I remember having Lucy in her crate and right beside me at night. If she would start to wimper or stir I would just put my hand down on the cage and it seemed to sooth her and she would go back to sleep. Now, she knows at about 10:30 it is bed time and she is very restless until we go to bed, she will sleep as late in the morning as we do. As long as we sleep, she sleeps. Good Girl Lucy !!!! Don't give up, he will come around. Good luck!!!
Hi Eileen, I am sorry for your sleep issues, I was never good at dealing with infants at night - people or dogs - I am not a nightime person!! I agree with everything that has been said here, and I have owned many breeds from many places - including goldens and my five month old doodle. All dogs have their own personality, but here are my thoughts. I think he is taking advantage of you a little. Given his size, he shouldnt need to go out at all. I would restrict water after 7 or so but more importantly, do everything you can to have an energetic playtime until as late as you can manage. (Is he getting plenty of daytime exercise or are you at work?) My Buddy crashes around 830, I put him in bed (when I go) around 930 and he sleeps until I get up at 6 ish. He is ready to pee and eat, but not before. We play hard or take a long walk after dinner. Fetch outside with a ball seems to do it for us.

I wonder if he is experiencing separation anxiety and not potty? Perhaps not seeing you and being alone all that time is upsetting to him. Just a thought. Sometimes Buddy's flopping in his crate in the middle of the night is annoying, but I know he sleeps better when his crate is in our room.

In any event if you must get up with him, little to no eye contact, no words, no food, few lights. Potty only, back to bed!

Good luck to you! You are by no means the first person to deal with this and that is the beauty of this site - learning from others! Sherry and Buddy



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