From time to time I have noticed tha Fozzy's left leg will shake, usually when he is sitting. I blew it off as being nothing. But today I noticed it when he was laying down. I have a call in to the vet - should I be concerned?
Thanks Jane - this seems common for sitting, but no one mentioned it happens when laying down. Do you think I should worry? I hate to spend a bunch of money if this is a common thing?? I get to pay for the neuter next month.
I don't know much about the leg shake, but as far as paying for the neuter, if you haven't already, check friendsofanimals and see if your vet accepts their spay/neuter certificate. It saved us a lot of money when Whopper was spayed.
Permalink Reply by Kim on April 23, 2009 at 9:15am
Speaking of neuter - have you checked into the APF Friends of Animals website - they have Spay and Neuter certificates, if your Vet is affiliated. My Vet luckily was and I paid $90 for a spay because of the certificate - you should ask your Vet if they accept the Friends of Animals certificates.
I had asked about "Restless Leg Syndrome" for my 4 month old on this site last week. But I did ask the vet Friday and he said it was common and that it is REM and that they usually grow out of it. My pup only does it when he is asleep tho.
Good news. I was just being an over-protective DM! Vet said not to worry unless there are other symptoms like weakness, favoring, etc. Probably just a twitch.