Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've read over several of the long Les Pooch brush discussions, but I'm totally baffled by which ones everyone has said that they bought. My GD hasn't come home with me yet, but I was curious as to which brush colors you guys found to be most helpful. Like are you guys talking about the lime colored one? Or the dark green one? And which red one? The fire engine red or the maroon?

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Which brush/brushes do you have?

Which brush/brushes do you love?

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I would also like to know more about these brushes. Then I have to find them here in Ottawa. If anyone knows where I can get one, please let me know. Thanks
Linda, go to this link. It has Canada info.
Thanks Leslie. Maybe I can bring Yankee with me and they can tell me which brush is best for him.
My doods don't have the kind of coats that really 'need' the Les Poochs, but I think it's something you can only know the answer to once you have your pup and get a feel for what the coat is/will be like.
Adina, see that is what I'm a little confused about. I understand that their coats change a gazillion times between now and the time they are full grown adults. For a new puppy, how do you know what will work for them in order to not get matts? Is it a trial and error thing as they get older?
I don't think new puppies will get matts. Mine is 7 mths-no matts yet, but I did buy the purple large Les Pooches brush from Kemp at the store on this site about a month ago. I sent him a picture of Thomas(his coat is VERY thick and fleecy) and he told me which brush to buy. It works well and I hope with using it I can avoid any matts in the future. If you are confused-he is the one to talk to. Hope this helps.
Ned began matting at 5 months. We had been brushing him with a pin brush, but suddenly he was so matted and it started with his ears. So, I know what you mean. Luckily. we had taken him to our groomer when we first got him at 3 1/2 months so she knew we were trying to take care of his fur AND she grooms lots of poodles and a couple of other doodles so she knew about the coat change. We had her cut him pretty short (not shaved )in February because it was just getting beyond us. I think that now at 14 months old, the matting is not nearly as overnight or as bad. We are going to let is get as long as we can but we are going to be reasonable about the gooming time for us. I always joke that in my next life I am going to be taller and have good hair - I guess Ned could have the same wish!
I use the green one I have a small doodle. You can e-mail Kemp Rader ( a doodlekisses member ) - go to members and type his name in and you can go to his page - who has Doodle Country Store a mail order store. He can advise you as to the appropriate one for your dood. That is what I did because, like you, I was confused as to the best one to buy and they are too expensive to make a mistake. I LOVE the brush for my dood. Ned has curly, fleece and the pet store slickers did nothing for his fur. If you need help finding him go to my page and I will help you.
Yep, I would follow Nancy and Ned's advice about contacting Kemp of the Doodle Country Store. I did that a week ago, also attached a picture of Joey and got a reply very quickly. I ordered the suggested brush (purple. or I guess maroon) and got it in about three days. Joey had the lovliest fleecy hair with no mats until boom - he turned 7 months old and had GIGANTIC mats. Then we had to cut all his hair off and I just about cried - which is why I invested 55 dollars on this brush. I tried it for the first time yesterday and I have to agree with all of Les Poochs followers, it is worth the investment. I would suggest waiting to buy the brush until your doodle is at least several months old though. You just don't want to pay that much money for the wrong one.
I purchased the purple brush from Doodle Country for Samson. You really won't know what type of brush they will need as an adult probably until your puppy is about a year old. I would suggest buying an inexpensive brush until you know what type of coat you will have as an adult. You could get lucky and not need the Les Poochs brush. Samson has a very thick fleece coat. The type that costs a ton at the groomers because it is so thick, dense and fine. Shelby is 8 months and it seems like she will have a much easier coat to groom. She would be fine with any normal brush, but for Samson, the Les Pochs brush helps. Nothing helps more than lots of regular brushing and close contact with your comb though.
I have the purple one. Just like several others have done, I e-mailed Kemp a couple of pictures of Halas and a description of his coat, and he recommended the purple one. When Halas was a puppy, I used several different brushes and combs. I didn't get the Les Poochs brush until he was well over a year old. I guess my advice would be to wait on the Les Poochs brush until you start to have trouble with matting or you start to notice that the fur is starting to take a long time to brush through.
I would wait a bit to get the Les Pouchs brush because it really depends upon the fur. However I would NOT wait a year. As soon as or if you think you need a better brush, I would order it. Ned started matting at 6 months and I got mine by the time he was 7 months. He is an Australian labradoodle with a thick curly, fleece coat. Goldendoodles may be different as to their coat needs. The other brushes DID NOT work for me once the matting started. I also use a metal comb and a rake with rotating "whatever they are called - tines, prongs" I think the best thing to do is go to the grooming group and read everything you can find. You will see that some doodles shed, some don't. Some NEVER mat, some do only during a coat change or some outside force. Some mat so badly that they just need to be kept short.



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