Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am bringing home my new 7 week old goldendoodle Friday 5/15. I never knew much about vaccinations until I had my kids in the last 5 years. Now that I am getting a pup... I don't want to over vaccinate.
So, the breeder gave the pups their 1 month shots. Now what? I think my breeder was saying not to take my pup in for more shot until he's older than 4 months and then 1 a month or so. Is that correct? I read another discussion. Titer (is that right?) every year after?

We are going to take the puppy camping memorial weekend in our camper. How does that fit in?
Thanks for all your help from this newbie doodle owner!

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I just started reading Catherine O'Driscoll's, "What Vets Don't Tell you About Vaccines." ( What an eye opener. It just might be a must read for all dog owners.
My puppy had vaccinations very 3 weeks until he was 4 months old when he got his final vaccinations. I know some people don't like vaccinations, but I had a puppy with parvo once and it was just horrible- I would rather vaccinate the pup than go through that again.
agree with Lynn, I have heard good & bad, but I have seen a pup with Parvo & it didn't make it. I have also seen my sister's dog go through heartworm treatment. That is the best argument for heartgard there is. She almost didn't make it. It also aged her alot. The treatment is so intense they can barely take it & she was a very healthy dog prior to the heartworm. I believe in the shots & Gunner has had no issues, but I know many on here will disagree. I guess its a decision each individual must make on their own. Good luck.
I worked for a vet all through college, I saw so many dogs die of Parvo & also Coronavirus. Had a puppy get kennel cough, kind of like a child with whooping cough.
Our new puppy will get vaccinated every 3-4 weeks until he 16 weeks old. I will make sure his last vaccination occurs AFTER 16 weeks as they have an immature immune system before then. (This is why they have to be revaccinated so often when they are young) We plan on having our puppy at walking, at the dog park, hiking and in doggy daycare so I will vaccinate not just to keep him safe but also to keep his doggy friends safe too. He will also not be going to any of those places until he is fully vaccinated. I understand the arguments for not vaccinating but I believe an once of prevention is far better then a pound of cure.
Your vet will know the vaccination schedule, and yes, after the initial puppy shots, the safest thing to do is blood titers. However, most areas require a rabies shot; request a three year rabies vaccine.
I would check with the vet about taking a 9 week old puppy camping; at that age, I'm not sure they should be exposed to wooded areas where there are other animals/ticks/etc. Most people recommend taking them to places where they will be exposed to other animals, both pets & wild, until they are older & fully vaccinated.
I am a fan of vaccines, and Lizzie did have them every few weeks until she was nearly 20 weeks old! She did end up getting parvo though, because of getting old vaccines from the breeder. Ask for recombinant vaccines, those will induce immunity in a puppies less than 16 weeks for the parvo vaccine. Otherwise, nothing will definitely work until 16 weeks old. Then yearly titers are acceptable instead of blank re-vaccinations; after all of the puppy ones are done. Also, I agree with Karen that 9 weeks is a bit young to have a puppy out in the woods. If he stays in the camper and only goes out to potty, then maybe. But I definitely wouldn't have him romping around. Also make sure he has had frontline and check him daily for ticks! You have to check really close to the skin, almost like checking for lice on kids. If you wait until they are all blown up, it's too late. And the male ticks don't blow up. If you will be going outside with your pup a lot to ponds/lakes/woods when he is older, ask your vet about the leptospirosis vaccine. I don't know if it is common in your area, but it is a zoonotic disease that is transferable to humans! Here's some info: from CDC.

Okay, overload of info and opinion, I'm sure. But I agree that vaccines do decrease death rates and increase the overall health of the community, animal and human! BTW, Congratulations on your new doodle! Prepare to be sleep deprived and doodle-obsessed.
I have decided to go ahead and vaccinate all puppy shots. Thanks ladies!

He is 7 weeks now and has had 1 set of shots. We are going camping and I will try to keep him close or away from all other dogs.... I am picking him up 5/15 Can he get the recombinant vaccines at 7 weeks? If so, I will call and schedule them for next week before camping Memorial weekend.
Just called the vet. Tech said vac's take 20 days to take effect so it won't help much. Didn't know anything about the recomfinant vac's.
Wendy, it is more than just staying away from other dogs, although that is important. Leptospirosis is transmitted from wild animals & birds, giardia & other parasites are transmitted the same, any puddles and standing water can be a source as well as just grass & dirt areas. In a puppy that young, I'm not even sure if you can treat them with frontline, and or the lepto vaccine.
The last time I had a puppy, she was 10 weeks old when I got her, and her breeder did not even want her outside in the yard, because of the risk of picking something up from other animals. While I think that may be a little extreme, I do think it's worth taking note of.
I would really let the vet advise you on all of this. It would be a shame to have to cancel your camping trip, but I know you don't want to expose this puppy to anything before he has immunity. Talk to the vet about it.
Thanks for the reassurance Jane. Karen I understand your worries and of the others who posted.

I think if we keep our wanderings in reason we will be fine. I'll watch puppy carefully and see how it goes. I have already spoken to the vet as I stated above.
Hi Wendy, Welcome...just thought I would add my two-cents on the camping trip.Please do it, we are a retired couple & every xmas we go on a trip in different location...last yr we decided to get a Labradoodle after a lot of searching & study.So,we were taking our RV down to Jacksonville Fl. and worked it out to pick-up our pup after we arrived a few days later. Guinness, our Choc.Labradoodle was 8wks old an took to the RV right away. All I can say is be prepared for anything...
Thanks Joyce, We are going to still go camping. Our 3 and 5 yo would be crushed if we didn't. I will try to be prepared!! Thanks :)



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