Hello everyone... I think I have a puppy with a very sensitive stomach! It seems every time we give Remington even a little something different he throws up. For example, we got him a big bone to chew on and that night he threw up all over his crate... last night we gave him the littlest bit of watermelon (we've heard dogs like this) and this morning he threw up. There has to be a link between the two, because he does not usually throw up except after he tries new things. It is very strange and I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem
Kendra, I feel your pain! Fenway throws up after anything new and Shiloh usually has it coming out the other end! We spent the first few months of Shiloh's life trying to get him situated on something he could handle. My vet said that poodles in general have sensitive tummies, he even called it "poodle stomach" but the good news is, it is supposed to get better after they are grown up....but I will always be leary of new things after what we have gone through with our boys!
This makes me feel better, I worry about him :/ It seems like we spent the first month just getting him able to eat his food without throwing up... uhhhggg. Thanks for you comment!
It can depend on what other foods the dog has eaten within the time frame that the new food is given. They're more likely to throw up if they eat something new on an empty stomach, or if they have just eaten a large quantity of food, especially if they ate it rapidly.
Kendra, what kind of bone was it? A lot of dogs have trouble with rawhide. Also, if they swallow a large piece of anything without chewing it well, it will cause vomiting. Ditto, if they swallow bits of the inside of a cooked marrow bone.
Raw fruits and veggies can be difficult for dogs to digest, especially puppies. I don't know about watermelon specifically, but there is not much nutrition there anyway. I would hold off on the fruits until Remington's digestive system matures a bit.
Yankee has a sensitive stomach too. He is now 20 months old and still has problems. It was mostly runny poops and not vomiting but it still happens often. I try and tell my family to stop giving him anything unless I say it's OK but sometimes that gets ignored. You will learn what he can have and what he can't pretty quickly or you'll be doing a lot of cleaning. Good luck.