Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So I've searched this topic a thousand times over and I see the same stuff, so I'm going to post it again to see if I get anything different. I just bought my puppy yesterday and brought her home, and by night of course I put her in the crate, and omg did she scream! She probably screamed, howled, and cried for 2 hours straight, and normally I wouldn't care but it turns out my roommate has a psychological problem with crying puppies. His family abused them when he was young I guess, so when he hears a dog cry he gets emotionally upset. Anyway, I did everything, I tried to tire her out before bed, I put in blankets, I put in a warming thing, I put in a toy with mom's scent, I played some piano music, I covered the crate with a towel, and NOTHING worked. I expected her to cry, but not scream bloody murder till 2 am. I dont know what to do! I have to make her stop crying before my roommate goes completely insane! And yes, when she quieted down and then started crying again I took her outside to potty, and she did, but when I put her back, the screaming started again. I did NOT take her out when she screamed though because I do not want to reward her bad behavior. I did put her in my room next to my bed, and I let her know I was there, but I think she just REALLY did not want to be in that crate. And I wasn't planning on using a water gun because I dont want to scare the poor thing.... Any ideas guys I'm desperate!

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My puppies did the same thing. I couldn't stand it. Fergie i let sleep on a big bed next to my bed and I didn't sleep much whenever she'd move I'd take her out. Lucy I just gave in and she slept in bed with me right from the start. I'd get up a couple times a night to take her out. Neither dog has ever had an accident on the bed. I know everone is going to be mad at me for that but it did work for me. She did go in a crate to start with when I went away during the day. Now she goes in the backhall and Fergie has the run of the house.
I agree with the heartbeat / ticking sound. Worked well for me 4 months ago. He cried the first 2 nights off and on, and I had a kitchen clock that ticked, so I layed it outside the crate and it worked like a charm. Hang in there, maybe your roommate can spend a few nights at a friends house till you and your pup get used to eachother. Your being anxious and his emotional energy certainly can;t help things.
I think it's most likely an issue of separation and 'i'm in this new place and don't know anyone and feel all alone...HELP!" issue. All the toys and goodies you may have put in there may not have made a difference to her.

If you spend today with short sessions getting her used to her crate, feeding her in her crate, maybe even her water bowl in her crate (while she is free to go in and out) and really TIRE her out...and then tonight keep her crate close to you (or even on your bed as Chris did) then you might have a totally different night. Maybe even put in a night light for a while so she can SEE you are near.

Oh and go out and buy your roommate some super sound reducing earplugs and bake her some cookies =)
haha as far as letting her sleep on my bed, my boyfriend would flip! Plus I did that with my corgi puppy back in the day, and let me tell you, I had to buy new sheets very quickly. I just downloaded a heartbeat so I'm planning on putting it on repeat all night maybe that would help.

My roommate does have earplugs, but nothing will stop the sound this dog makes. I'm pretty sure the people a mile away from my house can hear her!

I have been putting her in her crate on and off all day. I put her in earlier with animal planet on and she passed out (probably cause she didn't get much sleep last night). Then I put her food in (weirdly enough she isnt eating though, she hasnt since last night, so I guess this is another issue). I gave her her dry food, but she didnt touch it, so I put some warm milk in and she was intrigued, then I added some scrambled eggs, but still nothing! She's drinking just fine though, so I have no idea whats wrong.

She is also at my moms right now playing with our corgi, so she should be nice and tired by tonight!
I meant the CRATE on your a TEMPORARY thing =) Definitely not a permanent crate up there.

Otherwise you can put a sleeping bag on the floor and sleep next to her a night or two...?

She'll regain her appetite soon I'm sure. Just give her time.
Oh I was talking about fergies reply, how she let her dog sleep with her lol. And I may have to try the crate on the bed thing.... But is that typical for a puppy to lose their appetite for the first few days?
Amanda I have had a really positive crate experience with Peri - Maddie will probably get more used to it now that you are "easing her into it" during the day. Peri likes hers now and it has only been 2 1/2 days!!! I left her for 4 hours this morning and she didn't even whine when I left. Also, you need a sound machine for nighttime asap. We got one from Target and put it on white noise, which even helps us sleep. She is in our room and may whimper a few times but that noise puts her to sleep. If she whines I say "it is okay" and she settles down. You should probably have her in your room, it makes them feel closer to you. I hope this helps. I am sure you feel a little panicked. As for the food, maybe try adding some water to her dry food? I heard this helps. Peri hasn't had a problem, but I think that is because she is competing with our other dog.
Oh you are so lucky! Madden just cried and cried, I hope shes better by tonight. I played piano music..I thought that would be good, and i just downloaded a heartbeat sound..hopefully that helps too! Did Peri yell the first night? And did she eat the first day? I added warm milk to Maddens food and some scrambled eggs but she still wont touch it!
She will get better tonight! Try some different sounds - hopefully the heartbeat will help. Peri yelled the first 5 minutes the first night. Then she just passed out. I don't know what makes her different. Maybe Madden was also all wound up because of the travel. That probably has to do with her eating. Peri has a good appetite. I have to encourage her to eat - like stand by the food, but she does eat. Madden will get better - don't get too discouraged. It is Day 2 and she is still confused. Keep me posted and let me know how tonight goes. Be firm on the crate, I think this is VERY important. You need to establish you are in charge. GOOD LUCK!
We had a terrible night our first night too! I could never have imagined a little puppy could make so much and so terrible a noise for such a long time. We were up the entire night. Night two was better and night three he slept like a baby. Astro likes the sound machine on the outside cricket noise. We used the heat up puppypal for several nights till we realized he does not like to be hot. Warming it actually made him uncomfortable. You mentioned covering the crate. Make sure your puppy is cool enough, because from what we have experienced with Astro...he doesn't like to be hot at all. I stuck my fingers in crate first night to try and sooth him...not much help and my vet said "NO Touching"...soothing words only. Crate size is key too. Not to big and not to small. Please know it will get better. Be strong these first few nights and you will have a well adjusted dog in the long run.
You already got your puppy! Wow I didnt know they were ready to go! Asto is adorable! I just picked up Madden from Teri in Nashville yesterday and flew her home, she was pretty well behaved and slept most of the time, but I guess it wasnt enough to wear her out! I can only hope my second night goes as well as yours does! I'll try the cricket sounds as well! Thanks. And ya i'm gonna pick up a wire crate and give that a shot!
Oh thank you. This is week three at home. He was actually from the early litter with Chloe. I stayed home the first week to get everyone adjusted. Last week I returned to work and ran home every day at lunch for play / potty time. This week our neighboor has taken over and is doing that for us. Smile. There have been plenty of trying moments but lots of rewarding moments too. I bet Madden will do a lot better tonight and even better tomorrow night. Astro doesn't even wake up to go potty anymore! If you haven't already get some Bitter Apple stuff...Astro loves drawer/cabinet pulls and the door stops as soon as he ran into one and heard that crazy springy sound. And his favorite chew toy is an empty water bottle. I think I could throw away all the toys we have gotten (and there are a lot) and he would be thrilled with the empty bottle. Remove label and screw on cap is amazing. Hang in there! Madden will be a star in no time.



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