I wanted to share this with all new puppy owners and let you know that the only toy that my doodles do not destroy are Kongs that are 'circular' in structure. I have a mini godldendoolde, Molly, our little vacuum cleaner and she will destroy any toy within minutes. I have never seen anything like it. My Nestle, our chocolate labradoodle, has a very strong bite and tears any toy to pieces but paces herself. I only leave the Kongs when I supervise and unfortunately had to nix any material toys, ropes, tennis balls, etc. They may tear up toys but at least when they nibble on my finger or hand they are gentle...so I guess that is a good thing. Just can't get them to do the same with a toy. Pretty soon my girls will be one year...and....it has been a very eventful year to say the least...but, one filled with lots of love as witnessed in the face of our doodles and us. Mercy one gets soooooooo attached! Hope you guys have better toy luck`!!! All the best from Nestle and Molly
Lizette, I have only one thing to say:
We've missed you! So glad to see you posting here on DK again, I know all your other friends will be too. I am so glad that you and Molly are feeling like yourselves again. An eventful year to put it mildly! We will have to have a huge DK birthday bash for your girls to celebrate.
Hey Karen, I just shot an email out to almost every person on my personal email address and I also told asked them to forward on to other friends in TX. I wish you could have seen Gary's eyes get huge when I mentioned the fostering. He looked speechless for....well almost a second...than came "Lizette"?????? It is amazing how much he has to say in 45 years and one word...fostering....left him speechless. We have had a year. Gary is going with our son to get an MRI and echo cardiogram tomorrow. He gave us quite a scare yesterday when he felt like he was going to faint. He did not feel a lot better today and went to the doctor who scheduled tests for him tomorrow. He has high blood pressure at 32 and as a mother I worry but God wants us to put our worries on his shoulder and we are not supposed to fret about things. I have really prayed that I will start unloading on Him and not carry the burdens and worries of life on my shoulders. It is really hard for me since my whole life I have been one to be a helper and doer and always fretting about my special needs students and my whole family. This is probably why I have the health issues I have today. A lifetime of worry....not good. See ya girlfriend.
WOW! Abby hasnt destroyed anything that isnt fragile. My friend had a labradoodle (she actually sent it back to the breeder after 1 week because her asthma flared up so bad) but anyways he took Abby's pet Gorilla and literally 'tore it a new one'. LOL
Angel really doesn't like Kongs. I've tried it with peanut butter, pumpkin, and the puppy kong fillers (both the cookie and the spray) and she never goes for it. She'll sniff it and then just walk away. I think I've spoiled her with bully sticks and other natural chews...
Peri doesn't like Kongs either. For you puppy owners that are experencing the same thing, try a Zogoflex ball or frisbee from West Paw Design. Peri LOVES hers and it is guaranteed indestructable for LIFE. Go to: http://www.westpawdesign.com/articles/pet-care-products/buyers-guid...
My doodle Ellie doesn't like kongs (I guess it runs in the family since she's Peri's sister!) Granted, Ellie's a little spoiled because she has almost too many toys that she hasn't destroyed one. She just gets bored with them quickly and moves on to the next toy. My friend found a squeaky rubber ball for $1.99 at Meijer and she's in love with it and she hasn't ripped it! Oh and tennis balls seems to be a favorite of her's as well.
HA! That is pretty funny she doesn't like them either...glad you found something good that she likes. Peri hasn't destroyed anything yet either. I have a ton of toys since I have Taquito also...they are spoiled:)