Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


************THIS CONTEST IS NOW CLOSED****************

WIN Chris Christensen Grooming Supplies!!! CONTEST BEGINS NOW!!!

Chris Christensen offers some fantastic grooming tools to make grooming doggies like doodles much more pleasant! They've got top quality shears, excellent brushes (see my review of their T pin brush), combs, shampoos, and MORE! It's definitely worth checking out their site and looking through all they have to offer.

To enter for your chance to win a package of 4 Chris Christensen grooming goodies all you have to do is respond to this discussion and make sure your response fits the following criteria (read the instructions very carefully!)

Your response must contain:

1) Photo of your doodle(s) inserted INTO the discussion (NOT an attachment) -- if you don't have your doodle yet, well...use a photo of yourself or your dream doodle =)
2) A few words on why YOUR doodle(s) DESERVES to win this Chris Christensen prize
3) BOTH the photo and your text need to be in the SAME response (not separated into two responses).
NOTE: Try, if you are able, to resize your photos (if they are larger than 600 pixels in any direction) so they don't take forever to load.

Only ONE entry per member
Contest will end on Saturday, June 27th, at midnight PST.

The winner will be determined out of all entries via a drawing at the end of the contest time.


And last but not are the 4 fabulous grooming goodies you might win...from Chris Christensen! 

1.  Day to Day sample kit including:

  • Day to Day Shampoo
  • After U Bath Rinse
  • Thick and Thicker foaming protein
  • Ice on Ice

2.  Miracle Air -- non toxic, food-grade odor eliminator safe for use on your pet!

3.  27 mm T Pin Brush--

"A pin brush in a slicker brush type body with ground polished tips and a lightweight beechwood body.  Designed by Chris Christensen with a patent pending for it's uncompromising design.  Glide through the coat with less wrist movement than standard designed pin brushes with this new state-of-the-art design.   The angle and the contours of the handle will do all the work for you opposed to your wrist being at a constant angle.  Excellent for tired wrist and carpal tunnel."

4.  Staggered tooth buttercomb--for knocking out the matts, tangles, and knots!

Visit the Chris Christensen website for more info on each product and to see the other great products they carry.

So...share why YOUR doodle(s) must have this set of grooming supplies below!

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Hi-my name is Matie--I am the cute red doodle on the right. I am a piece of cake to groom but my new sister, Lyric, behind me is a handful for my mom. She has a thick fluffy coat that is hard to groom and she hates it when Mom gets the brush out! She also LOVES to be muddy and dirty!! Not me! I go around the puddles!
The grooming products would make my mom's life easier and would make my sister smell less like a mud puddle--good news for me, since she is always laying next to me. I hope we win!

Hi my name is Malibu, ( I"m the black doodle with a mop top in front row)
I"m writing on behalf of our doodle group here in Las Vegas. If my mom won, she would share the products with my other doggie friends. I would benefit because I'd have more playdates with my other doodles when we have grooming parties!. As you can see, we are a beautiful group, and I could use every advantage to standing out. It's tough staying nice and soft and fluffy when you go swimming everyday and wresting with my new sister Willow. She has much softer, longer hair than myself, and it's difficult to keep her's matt free. She came from a place they call the pound, and apparantly wasn't used to too much attention. Her other friend Diamond also came from that strange place, and they both have no manners.... They dig in garbage cans and hang out together and play in the mud. So my mom needs extra beauty items to keep up with those two. They are the 2 white dogs behind me. Thank you for your kind consideration, Malibu Dahl & doodle group of Las Vegas ( Buddy, Cocoa, Coco,Bree, Red, Nicki, Wrigley & Green)

Hi I am Dakota, my mom needs this brush and the gromming supplies, my hair is so curly, that I constantly mat. I liked to be brushed until she finds a mat, then I hide from her. My brother Choco likes to be brushed too. My mom thinks I need to be brushed every other day because I mat so easily. Please pick me.

Bodzin, Jack, and Cassy deserve the best grooming tools because they all had a rough start in their lives and are ready to be pampered! Bodzin was abandoned at the shelter because he was too shy, but he loves to be brushed and really enjoys a good bath. Jack was abandoned at the shelter and was about to be euthanized when someone saw through his matted coat and decided to give him a second chance... his highlights are to die for! Cassy was left outside all winter with her brother, resulting in a horribly matted coat that left her barely able to move. Her owners dumped her on the local shelter once they realized she was pregnant, she finally ended up with me and now she is a beautiful black and white doodle with gorgeous hair that glistens.
They also would love to share the products with the foster doodles that come through our home! Jack and Cassy are IDOG pups and all three serve as ambassadors for rescuing doodles. They need to look great!

I am Lucy and my mom has experimented with so many shampoos that frankly I'm a bit tired of it all! I have learned not to get dirty but, well I am a Labradoodle after all, and I LOVE to romp and play in the dirt and I do roll in my favorite perfume that I can find for free in the cow yard and I do love swimming in our lovely scented slough but they want to wash it out!! how insulting is that??!! I'm willing to try Chris Christensen's grooming supplies to see if I like the scent better than the barn yard scent.
My Mom says to tell you that we really really need these grooming supplies to keep my curly coat pretty and nice smelling! I am worth it after all!

I have lots and lots of coat! My mom could use the grooming products to help keep me beautiful.

Hi I'm Wrigley. I had to go to the Vet today b/c I've got allergies, and I've got a sore on my hip that I've been licking and biting. He had to shave some of my hair, and the hair that's left is matted. When my boo boo is healed, my mom is going to have a tough time getting the tangles out! These great products sure would help!

Hello, my name is Cassie. I hope I win your grooming supplies, especially the brush, because I do NOT like the one Mom uses on me! I get mats, and it hurts, and I am so non-cooperative, that Mom gives up, and my mats get even worse, they itch and hurt, then I scratch them, then it hurts even more... Maybe your grooming supplies will make my life easier!

Hi, Fozzy Bear here. I think I deserve to win the grooming supplies because of my three brothers. You see, two of the three are bald, and they are where my problems lie. These two, (who have to show off all the time walking almost always on their hind legs), don't know what it is like to have Doodle hair. We go swimming, and since they are bald everywhere, except on their heads, they just have to shake and they are as good as new. Yeah, I know they are just trying to be helpful when they try to comb me out, but, honestly, they don't have good enough equiipment to do the job right. It takes them forever, then when they are done, Mom just has to do it again. And winter will be here before you know it.....I want to be able to have my long coat back by then, but if combing me out gets too tough, I'm afraid mom will shave me when I start getting long. From what I have heard, Chris Christensen grooming stuff is the BEST and will help mom keep me looking nice.......and considering how much my brothers and I love mud, she needs all the help she can get!

Fozzy Bear
Hello Doodle Kisses! My name is Ditzy Mitzi Fluffmuffin. I am 21 months old and quite the "star" at my
domain. I have lots of fun with my humans; I am forever claiming my human sister's dolls and stuffed animals as my own, after all girls just want to have fun! I do have a big problem though, I LOVE swimming, and I jump in the pool as often as I can, with or without my humans. But swimming is causing my once beautiful fluff to become matted and look (hide my snout in shame) embarrassing! What's a girl to do? I could use any help I can get. Please accept my entry for the wonderful grooming products. Thank you.
Ditzi Mitzi Fluffmuffin.

Okay, what do you guys think? She's clueless on this grooming thing.

This is our new puppy Cimmy. We deserve these wonderful products because I am so new to all of this grooming stuff and it would give Cimmy the "idea" that I knew what I was doing when i groom her! Please just don't tell her I am such a novice! What a fun beginning to such a new life with our family!!! I've got to get the children involved with her grooming. Thank you for your consideration.



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