Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Brooks has been a good boy over the last few months and now suddenly, he's on a mission to chew up everything. I don't know if its boredom, new found freedom or just being bad!! My husband has been gone all week so his routine has changed. I'm not sure what to do. I started crating him again because the last few days he has chewed up stuff in the house including the corner of our base board! NEEEVER chewed anything like that before! I don't know what the deeeeal is. He's turning one in he going through something? I thought we'd be through the chewing and badness! I feel awful because now I can't trust him out of his crate at all and I want to be able to!!!! Advice? Thoughts? When should I give it a try again?

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Change of routine could have stressed him out and chewing is a great stress reliever.

How much exercise is he getting?

I really don't think dogs 'act out' in the sense of trying to BE a nuisance or bug you...but chewing can be boredom, excess energy or stress related.

Don't feel bad about crating him. Rosco was not a chewer and he was crated when left alone for his 1st TWO years. Just think of it as par for the course. If dog demonstrates he can't handle freedom...back to the crate. It's not punishment...just managing the situation to match the dog's ability to handle freedom.

And perhaps upping the obedience practice (mental stimulation) coupled with a little extra exercise may help too :)
Thanks for your advice, Adina. I give him as much exercise as I can. My hubs and I both work full time so its mainly in the evening when we go for a walk and play and play until dark. I have been working on his obendiance as well, but I feel like he's just testing me a little more lately. He knows his commands, but chooses not to listen! :) Its like a teenager!!! He must take after his Dad. haah. :)

How big of crate did you put Roscoe in? Brooks crate is big enough for him, but not "roomy". I think that's why I feel bad. He can turn around, but that's about it. His head even hits the top..he's tall! :)

When did you feel confident to let Roscoe out during time away? Brooksy was consistently good for about 6 weeks..and suddenly..CHEWING!! I just don't want it to be something worse next a table leg or something!
I am going through the same thing with our Phoebe who is just 7 months--I even wrote a blog about it! She has returned to the chewing that she loved so much as a younger pup--I called her the Giant chairs, molding, gates...she loves them all! She gets tons of exercise as we have a fenced yard but we are always outside with her monitoring her play (she will devour grass and rocks with equal abandon if we are not watching her constantly). I keep a lead on her inside but I feel that it is not as effective as I had hoped it would be and now, add to the mix, a show of barking and growling at me as well. I think she is a petulant tween and I hope she reverts back to her good ole doodle self soon. I know that nothing I said helps you but maybe solace in the 'misery loves company' way but help a little!
Rosco was not a chewer ... he pretty much stuck to toys and any destruction of my stuff was very minimal. Some dogs seem to come out the womb with cords and shoes and furniture parts in their mouth ...LOL. Rosco was not like that. Never bothered socks, shoes, etc. He only liked to chew on me and our other doodle :)
So me crating him was just preventative...just 'in case'.

I don't remember exactly when we'd give him freedom in the house while we were was before the age of 2 for short burst--not if we'd be gone for hours--but his crate wasn't put away until he turned 2.

I don't think chewing is a 'testing' of bounderies but ignoring commands is. But I think as with kids...if they can get away with something they'll try it. If doing/not doing what you say doesn't lead to anything of important to him...why do it? Perhaps it's some simple things in your practice that you aren't doing correctly...a trainer could help you identify that and improve your skills.
I have a question that relates to this.....what ever happened to a dog and a stick?.....Comiskey and Beemer have sticks that they find in the yard (I think DH secretly hides them so the dog can find them) and they bring them in....spend hours on peeling and shredding them....makes kind of a mess...but they have never chewed on any of the furniture or baseboards....a quick clean-up and they move on to a toy or stuffed there something bad about a stick?....they don't eat it....just destroy it....just curious....opinions?
My dogs like sticks too and I let them chew them. You do have to watch for pieces getting stuck into the roof of their mouths and I've read dogs sometimes swallow sharp pieces but I've never had a problem. One of mine managed to chew sharp shards off a bone and fortunately threw them up. They were like small knife blades! No bones for him since needless to say.
Get some antlers...not kidding. The nice pet store near me (carries natural type things and high quality foods) carries antelope antlers. I need to take a photo for you....they substitute as sticks. Don't smell, get messy, keeps them occupied for a LONG time. Problem is I have two but both of my pups like the same one. They have lasted me one month and will probably last a few more!
Does an antler last longer than a bully stick? Because Toby can go through the hardest bully stick in about 20 minutes.....
Well, the antler has lasted for a month already. It is still intact...just the marrow is being worn a little. The store owner told me they can last for months. Even with the biggest chewers! Believe me, Peri is a chewer. I think it is elk.
What kind of bully do you buy? The free range sticks I buy come in standard, select and supreme. There is a huge differnce in how long they last. They also sell the antlers ...
I have tried what are reputed to be the hardest bully sticks, MooSticks, and still no good. He just goes at it until it's gone. I'm sticking with natural cured bones from now on. He loves them, and doesn't swallow chunks.
Bully sticks are costing me a small fortune and now he won't chew anything BUT a bully. Ugh, I've bought antlers, imitation wood, rawhide. He won't chew anything now, thankfully he leaves things alone but "his" pile of belongings. I watched him like a hawk from the moment we brought him home from the breeder and don't let him get away with crap, I'm fortunate to be home to do that.



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