Help! While I know 'this,too, shall pass', but I am hoping that I survive this phase. Once Phoebe turned 6.5 months, she became obsessed with chewing on my kitchen chairs. I am not talking about a nibble here or there but donwright chomping on the seats. I feel as though we have tried everything from different chew toys, to putting her in her ex-pen, to Tabasco sauce and bitter apple (which she loves), to more outdoor time (despite a newly fenced yard, I cannot put her out alone for a little while as she devours the plants/grass/rocks) including more fetch/recall training and walks. I am at my wits end as I do NOT want to see her being kept in her ex-pen and then placed right into her crate when we leave (I also think that I would be defeating my purpose by reducing the amount of exercise she gets). I need advice before I end up landing on the floor when I sit on my kitchen chair!
Our two six month old bernedoodles are doing the same thing!! After dismantling their crates and putting away, we have brought them back out. Just can't trust them alone. I am told that they are in the "Terrible twos" and it will last six months. It is so hard to get mad at them! Definitely wood crazy
My suggestion is to keep your doodle on a leash when in the house and keep her near you so you can keep an eye on what she's doing. I don't know if she understands that what she is doing is bad. If you catch her in the act correct her maybe make a noise and say "no, bad". Our doodles definitely know the words "no" and "bad" now. I would not let her outside unsupervised. She may be bored and is looking for ways to get attention. You mentioned walks and fetch which is all good. We found that Dexter had endless energy as a puppy. We really had to play outside with him a lot to get him to burn it off.
Dexter was a little devil as a puppy and we would not let him out of our sight for quite awhile. Luckily it all passed (well most of it) :) Also luckily Kirby was much much better behaved from Day 1 :)
OH MY GOSH, what have a got myself into! MY PHOEBE already runs around the yard looking for every branch she can find, my chairs have not been touched.......YET.