Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Q:How do you get another doodle with a hearty blessing when you already have a doodle...or two.

A:Say "lets go to take a look at this puppy" to your DH right after he says to you "I think I am going to buy a brand new Ford Super Duty 1 ton truck". He will adore the puppy. After all dogs love trucks. The bigger the truck the more dogs you can put in said truck.

Infact right about that time including within a week after the purchase is a good time to announce the purchase of anything normally considered unusual.

ie: "Honey I am going to take flying lessons". or" Honey I want a horse". Not that I fly, or am fond of horses, just an example. Excerpt from Goodwifes Handbook.


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How many can fit in a sidecar?????? I could suggest that if I buy the sidecar for the Triumph, he could fill it with doodles. Do you think this might work?
LOL! The point is the size of the purchase in dollars - not so much in doodle cartage ability. If he wants something expensive he wont balk when we want something ridiculous. LOL
I think I could learn a thing or two from you........ ;-)
Good Advice!!!!
You used a different strategy than I did but a very effective one. As long as it works, who cares.
What was your strategy again? We must keep notes for future eventualities in "The Goodwife Handbook"
Yes, please! I'm still a bit of a newlywed...all the tips you can share would be of great assistance!
Pull up a chair little one. I have so many things to tell you! I have been adored for 25 yrs now (yes I was a child bride dammit - lol) anyways I digress I have been married (did I say "adored" the first time? funny what an aging brain does) for 25 yrs come December. I am sure I was a royal pain in the arse the whole entire time! He is such a lucky man to have an awesome 'goodwife' like myself. LOL!

Be smarter than him but seem like you arent. That will get you far in life little one. According to him (I just asked him) : dimples and a great butt are the tools for keeping things swell. LOL ;o)
My strategy was that Yankee needed a playmate and it would be less work for DH. They would tire each other out.

Of course I never mentioned the amount of poop to pick up for two or the constant wrestling. I never mentioned the extra barking and growling when you are trying to watch TV. I never mentioned two wet dogs running around the house.

I figured it was on a need to know basis only!
Everytime I wanted a new car-------and "new" didn't necessarily mean new-----just different, my wife had no objections as long as she got jewelry. I like vintage cars and would commonly sell one to get another. I still only have two cars to drive---one late model, one vintage-- but she has a drawer full of jewelry after 39 years.
I never did understand why I couldn't sell her old jewelry to buy the new stuff. Her explanation was just "It doesn't work that way." I suppose a drawer full of jewelry is easier to deal with than a house full of doodles.
Two doodle youngsters is a handfull. Speaking of which.......4 1/2 month old Maggie is offically bigger than 13 1/2 month old Daisy as of this week. Little peace around here lately. Nail down the lightweight furniture!!!
I just noticed my typo! I know it is enthusiastic not enthusuastic! I am a good speller but a terrible typist! Just in case you thought I lost it Karen and Adina. LOL!



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