Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I worked from home today so I got a chance to observe Curly and Camo a bit more of their napping habit. They got up the usual time, around 7am this morning. They followed me around the house for a little while and as soon as I sat down to work, they both settled into their respective napping corners. That was 9am! So for 3.5 hours straight, neither of them moved an inch. Curly is still by the sofa and Camo is by my desk.

Maybe the rain outside also helps them to nap so comfortably!

So, does your doodle(s) take long naps during the day? if so, for how long?

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I know they sleep while I am at work because on Saturdays, they will go back to sleep from 9-12 and again from 1-4 or so (if we are staying in the house, but we usually get them out for hikes, walks or dogpark fun). It is hilarious! I have asked my husband if they are okay and he said that is what they are used to during the day. So I think they sleep for 7 or 8 hours during daylight on a normal, boring day. Peri is at daycare today, so when I pick her up tonight, she will not move from 5pm until 7 am tomorrow. She will be hanging with us but asleep the whole time because she missed her daytime naps :)
They nap A LOT. Mine are 3 and 4 years old so they have less rambunctious energy. When I get up around 7:00 Rosco will follow me to the living room where I spend some time on the computer and he'll just continue sleeping there. Then before I leave for work I will send him out for potty if he doesn't ask himself. Then they tend to nap a ton around midmorning and early afternoon. They'll wake easily, but go to sleep again easily.
Remington naps soooo much! He wakes up at 6:00 for breakfast and after he eats he is back to sleep while I get ready for work... Then he will sleep up until lunch time... eats... back to sleep until I get home around 4:30... he is usually wide awake from that time up until around 8:00 at night. I wish I had his life :)
That is Peri's schedule to a T!
With Hannah and Honey it varies depending on the level of activity they get. If they are out side walking or playing around and get tired out from their activity they will nap. Bored days they like to take long today when it's raining. I'm not so certain they sleep all night long. Sometimes I will find them in bed, or their crates, or lying on the floor on their quilts next to the bed. They will also get their energy spurts and run around like crazy and all of a sudden they are back to a it varies with these two.
Cali comes downstairs with me in the mornings around 6:30, parks herself on the couch and goes back to sleep. I always think, did she really use that much energy to come down the stairs that she is asleep again when she hits the couch. But she does sleep a lot during the day, and sleeps with us all night. I woould worry as I thought she was sleeping way to much, but I am glad to see everyone's posts that their doodles are pretty much the same.



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