I have already consulted a trainer on this issue but I would love some feedback from doodle owners as well. Phoebe is still a very mouthy puppy (8.5 months). I am just back from a particularlyy annoying/frustrating walk (she usually walks beautifully for me on the Gentle Harness but we do have her little episodes from time to time) during which she repeatedly tried to get the leash and my hand in the process. If I try to pull the leash, the expected tug of war game starts. The trainer--whom I asked to come to my house to see Phoebe's behavior 'in her environment'--suggested that I continue to walk and keep my hand firmly on the leash where Phoebe wants to be giving her no eye contact and no verbal communication at all. Well, it works sometimes but more oft than not she stops but resumes a few steps/blocks later. Sometimes, she steps out in front of me and tries to jump(with as the trainer put it 'playful growling') but I block her and turn my back. It makes for a very difficult and embarrassing walk. Interestingly, the trainer said that poodles and labs are often much more mouthy--with poodles being jumpers as well--well into adulthood. Has anyone else ever experienced this type of puppy behavior or is it Phoebe-specific?!!!!
I tend to be one who believes that if you LIKE the trainer, TRUST that the trainer knows what he/she is talking about...then the number ONE source of advise and support IS that trainer who has seen you in action and seen Phoebe in action. So I'm wondering...what did the trainer say about prognosis? Does she think that what you're doing will eventually END Phoebe's naughty behavior if you are consistent or that it may only reduce it and you can't really change Phoebe's behavior? If she thinks it can't be changed, I'd find another trainer.
If she thinks it CAN be changed then keep bugging the trainer with the obstacles you are facing in case she will spot something in how you are doing things and help you fix those things.
I do love the trainer and she does think the behavior will change over time. I suppose it is --again--I who needs to realize that 'over time' is not overnight. I am just so tired of my hand being 'mouthed'--not to mention the looks on some of the passersby's faces as I am ignoring this annoying behavior. I was actually asked by a runner this morning if I was going to correct her or if I enjoyed it! ARGGG
.Embarassing walks? I thought I was the only one with embarassing dogs! Just kidding. Actually probably everyone thinks you are a very fancy trainer as you are quiet and not screaming or jerking on your dogs collar.
I have never really had this problem, but I have seen it solved in a couple of ways.
#1) This is a need to have something in her mouth behavior. Put something else ( not food) in her mouth that she likes to carry usually it is a tennis ball or rubber bone. If she drops it pick it up and put it in you pocket. Then if she wants her share of the leash do exactly as your trainer suggests, no voice, no eye contact, but put the ball/bone in her mouth and continue walking. This takes quite a bit of repetition. The idea is that if she has to have something in her mouth the ball/bone is the appropriate thing.
#2)This is attention seeking behavior. Drop the leash and pay no attention to her turning and moving your body until she returns to the proper walk position by your side - then a simple good dog pick up the leash and resume your walk. This requires a safe place and a very long leash. Coil the leash in your right hand or wind it around your waist. When you drop the leash drop it so that it will naturally uncoil or if it is around your waist unwind yourself as you move away from your puppy.
#3) This one Is the one I would use because it keeps her interested during the whole walk and is a proactive solution to unwanted behaviors.When you are walking keep changing it up. Change pace and make sure she changes pace. Take different routes. Have your puppy walk then stop for a sit , down , wait practice. Intersperse "sniffers" in between the ''walking". "walking" to me is the puppy is in a controlled position, - no pulling from the puppy she is taking her cues from your body. "Sniffers" is just the opposite. At an appropriate place your puppy gets to go"sniffers" where you give her the whole lenght of the leash and it is your job to make sure there is no pulling, in other words you are following her around. Then return to walk. Good Luck and Patience
Thanks for your well-articulated reply. I have tried to give Phoebe a stick as we walk but she either chews it to shreds or when she drops it and we try to walk away from it (so that the game does not become one of Mommy fetch), it turns into tug of war. I am definitely going to try the change of pace approach to keep her more interested. Being a type A+ personality, I do everything fast--maybe she wants to slow down a little. I will vary the pace later and see if that helps her become more involved in our walks. Thankfully, on good days, she can walk forever and not tire. She really is a good girl!
Today I was given a bit of advice I already believe in but I needed to hear it applied to me =)
I consulted a trainer friend (not a pro but amazingly skilled and accomplished for being a hobby trainer) about preventing some bad doggy habits from MY dogs when baby arrives. Here's what she told me (which again I agree with but needed to hear it):
"Train the Dog and Don't let him/her do that!"
In other words excellent obedience really needs to be a TOP priority. If my dog isn't solid in responding to basics...it's a waste of my time to try to train 'other things' or correct of 'other' things. AND I have to prevent/manage the situation so my dog can NOT do the naughty thing (which you've gotten some good suggestions for).
It is my belief that ALL walks need to be training walks UNTIL the dog is trained. It's a pain in the butt and takes away from the glorious image we have "a nice stroll with my doggy" but until the dog is TRAINED to walk impeccably on leash...it's only using up time that COULD be used for training to take an not-yet-trained dog on a leash walk. So I would say toss out the idea of a nice casual walk where the gentle leader harness does the work for you and you hope doggy will just behave and enjoy the scenery...and use that time to actually work on specific things like "HEEL." A heeling dog doesn't mouth or pull or jump...because it is NOT compatible with heeling. But you won't get heel in one day or even a few weeks...it is a time investment and must be worked on and then expected and practiced each and every time. Once a dog is awesome walking in heel...they will most likely default to a semi-heel even when you don't ask for it.
So my personal opinion is: Train Phoebe daily on basics: sit, down, stay, heel, come...in all sorts of places and gradually with distractions that are harder and harder...AND in the meantime find ways to keep her from doing the naughty stuff.
Doesn't sound that uncommon - especially if the trainer isn't worried. Sounds like you're doing good, just try to keep a positive attitude.
Here's a thought - buy some Bitter Apple spray and spray the leash. Bitter Apple is designed to prevent birds and other animals from chewing on things. If you sprayed the leash, Phoebe may decide on her own that she didn't want it in her mouth and you'd be completely innocent :-0. You could also spray your hand. (My brother was giving my sister "cow kisses" and my sister sprayed bitter apple on herself. My brother hasn't tried that again.) After she tasted and dropped the leash I would suggest immediately doing something to distract her - maybe practice a couple commands, start a little jog, etc. Give her lots of praise for the good she just did and have that positive experience be what she associates the walk with.
As a side note, my sister has a goldendoodle who will grab peoples wrist/arm and lead them around. I think he is "mouthy" and this habit is the outcome of his mouthiness. I think retrievers just like having things in their mouth.....