Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So skip the parts as they are related to breeding and food ~ or not, but consider putting to your food company or those you consider to the 'written test' as suggested many a time by Karen. Here is the entire original post I made:

irregular cycles, missed conceptions, stillborns, fading
Puppy? Such tragedies and definitely that which represents probably the
hardest part of what we do as breeders. That which many hesitate to talk of
while silently it rips their hearts out.

It has been a while friends. In addition to 'life' I have been spending
much time with some in depth examinations of pet food, specific
ingredients, numerous chemicals we handle often if you are around dogs,
potential alternatives and more. Take it for what you will, I have been
trying to bring this particular look to a more complete status and I have
recently taken an enormous amount of heat from an anonymous (?) source so
have been reluctant in my posts. But as this is flowing in I cannot in good
conscious not share it with those I often share these thoughts with,
especially breeders.

So we all know of ethoxyquin right? Well I'll tell you it is bad enough
that the *not so premium* foods still have garbage in it, but when you
think you are getting a *premium* product at a premium price it really
fires me up. More info. to follow that I do want to share and you may have
even seen this before my day around here but it is worthy of a look for
those that have not seen it.

The excerpt below has been taken from a letter you will want to read on
this site ~ by Gloria Dodd

"Not only are chronic degenerative diseases of pets on the increase, but
breeders complain of increasing frequency and numbers of reproductive
problems: irregular estrus cycles, missed conceptions, stillborns,
“fading puppy” syndrome, increased neonatal deaths and malformed
puppies with missing limbs, organs, hydrocephalus, cleft palates, etc."

Coincidentally a similar excerpt from Jean Dodd DVM ~

"Since the late 1980's, the incidence of chronic disorders in purebred dogs
appears to have increased. These disorders include dysfunction of liver,
kidney and thyroid, reproductive problems, autoimmune diseases and other
immune dysfunction, birth defects in pups, increased stillbirths and
neonatal mortalities, neoplasia, allergies and problems with skin and coat
condition. Most concerns have focused on inbred or closely linebred dog

Now for the cringing stuff because I know so many rely on this product. I
have recently been permitted to view correspondence from Diamond Pet food
to a consumer I know of locally in regards to a no grain food popular among
families and breeders alike, especially for cost. I am not going to name it
because I do not need any legal hassles right now, but I am certain you can figure it
out ~ if not email me privately.

"XXXXXXXXXXX does not add ethoxyquin to any of the formulas.

Fish meal is required by law to be preserved with ethoxyquin. Ethoxyquin is
most effective at preventing rancidity in the highly volatile fish meal.
Rancidity in ingredients can lead to severe illness.

Most of the ethoxyquin is destroyed in the cooking process, requiring other
preservatives to be used. Tests for ethoxyquin are run routinely on
XXXXXXXX products. The results are typically less than 5ppm. The amount
allowed, and considered to be safe, by the FDA is 75ppm."

This was dated July of 2009 and I have since found similar copies of letters posted
around the web. As a follow up we have contacted many manufacturers
verbally and in writing and have asked if they can guarantee that there is
NO ethoxyquin present in their products. Some have replied they cannot,
some have not responded and others have said they can say there is none.

Coincidence in regards to health concerns and breeder noted difficulties
with this chemical? Maybe, but we each deserve to have full disclosure of
our choice and make the decision that works best for us. It is my
recommendation to our puppy families that they initiate written
communication with any company in question and ask them the same question ~
can you guarantee there is no ethoxyquin in your product? You may wish to
do the same or at the very least explore your options and have a plan B.
Look for any fish meal ingredient (in many brands it is in formulas you
would not anticipate it like chicken, etc... and it is present in all 3 varieties of referenced above XXXXXXXXXXX brand), I think you will be stunned
with the results of your closer look.

Dianne Carter
Trinity Doodles

Views: 321

Replies to This Discussion

I haven't done that but I do give mine Pan Fried Walleye - the walleye comes from Canada - it is the left overs from peoples plates at the restaraunt I work at. Salmon, halibut, Prime Rib and Beef Tenderloin tends to fall in their box too.
I had been researching foods to include in my rotational diet for my 2 Doods. I had ordered TOTW to be delivered and then read this discussion. I emailed TOTW and received their standard reply that many people mentioned, but then got a more interesting response when I inquired further. The doctor that replied to my email also inclosed the FDA documentation that talks about ethoxyquin in fish meal. See below:


The law is in the CFR - documents are attached.

Several of the companies that you list below have products that were tested
by a company that I have worked with recently on a project. Ethoxyquin was
found in all samples tested and at much higher levels than the 5ppm that was
found in the samples of Taste of the Wild.

Orijen claims on their website that ethoxyquin is never used to preserve
their fish meal, but their site also indicates that their spec for ETQ is
5ppm, which is the highest that was found in samples of Taste of the Wild.

I think that this is simply an issue that has been blown out of proportion
by some well-meaning but misinformed folks. Because of the outlash against
ethoxyquin, companies feel forced to modify their responses to appease
customers. Taste of the Wild chooses not to do this.

Traces of ethoxyquin do not have negative impact on pet health. The benefits
of the fish meal have a positive impact on pet health.

To fully avoid traces of ethoxyquin, you will have to avoid any food with
fish meal.

Dr. (name deleted)

On 9/17/09 7:16 AM,

> Dr. (name deleted),
> What US law requires ethoxyquin to be added to fish meal? I could not find a
> law when I searched. I work in the pharmaceutical industry and have some
> familiarity with the FDA as a technical writer.
> If the law requires it, why do so many other premium pet foods use fish meal
> that doesn't contain ethoxyquin? Blue Buffalo, Innova, Orijen, California
> Naturals, just to name a few.
> Sincerely,
> Melissa
>> Dear Melissa,
>> Any pet food that contains fish meal will have traces of ethoxyquin. Fish
>> meal is required by law to be preserved with ethoxyquin on the ships. Once
>> arriving in port, natural preservatives are added to maintain the
>> preservation.
>> Ethoxyquin is most effective at preventing rancidity in the highly volatile
>> fish meal. Rancidity in ingredients can lead to severe illness.
>> Most of the ethoxyquin is destroyed in the cooking process, requiring other
>> preservatives to be used. Tests for ethoxyquin are run routinely on Taste of
>> the Wild products. The results are typically less than 5ppm. The amount
>> allowed, and considered to be safe, by the FDA is 75ppm.
>> Fish meal is an important ingredient that provides quality amino acids and
>> omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients are important for all aspects of a
>> healthy life, including great skin and coat, control of inflammation and a
>> strong immune system.
>> Sincerely,
>> Dr. (name deleted)

One piece of the documentation provided: I have to put a child on the bus and head to work. I will provide the rest of the documentation that she sent me later.

Coast Guard, DHS §148.04–9
§148.03–7 During transport.
During the transport of a solid haz-
ardous material in bulk, except for un-
manned vessels, cargo shall be periodi-
cally inspected to ensure that there are
no undetected increases in temperature
in that cargo and that no other
changes in the cargo are occurring that
might affect the safety of his vessel
and the results of these inspections
shall be recorded in a log.
§148.03–11 Stowage conditions.
(a) Other hazardous materials cargo
must not be stowed in the same hold or
on deck above a hold in which a solid
hazardous material in bulk is loaded.
(b) No explosive Class C, flammable
liquid, flammable solid, flammable or
nonflammable compressed gas, organic
peroxide, or extremely dangerous poi-
son may be stowed in any hold adja-
cent to a hold in which a solid haz-
ardous material in bulk is loaded.
(c) All explosive Class A and B mate-
rials must be stowed longitudinally at
least one hold (or an equivalent longi-
tudinal distance if on deck) from any
hold in which hazardous material in
bulk is loaded.
(d) Combustible cargo must not be
stowed in a hold in which a solid haz-
ardous material in bulk is loaded.
§148.03–13 Completion of off-loading.
Upon the completion of off-loading of
a solid hazardous material in bulk,
each hold must be thoroughly cleaned
of all residue of such material.
Subpart 148.04—Special Addi-
tional Requirements for Cer-
tain Material
§148.04–1 Radioactive material, Low
Specific Activity (LSA).
(a) Authorized materials are limited
(1) Uranium or thorium ores and
physical or chemical concentrates of
such ores;
(2) Uranium metal, natural thorium
metal and alloys of these metals; and
(3) Material of low radioactive con-
centration, if the estimated radioac-
tivity concentration dose not exceed
0.001 millicurie per gram and the con-
tribution from Group I material (See
title 49 CFR parts 170 to 189, inclusive)
does not exceed 1 percent of the total
(b) Each hold used for the transpor-
tation of any of these materials must
be surveyed with appropriate radi-
ation-detection instruments after the
completion of off-loading. Such holds
must not again be used for the trans-
portation of any cargo until the radi-
ation dose rate at any accessible sur-
face is less than 0.5 millirem per hour
and until there is no significant remov-
able radioactive surface contamination
according to 49 CFR 173.443.
(c) Each hold or barge used for trans-
portation of any of these materials
must be effectively closed or covered to
prevent dispersal of the material dur-
ing transportation.
§148.04–9 Fishmeal or scrap, ground
or pelletized; fishmeal or scrap,
ground and pelletized (mixture).
(a) The fishmeal or scrap, ground or
pelletized and fishmeal or scrap,
ground and pelletized mixture must
contain at least 6 percent moisture by
weight but not more than 12 percent
moisture by weight.
(b) The material must not contain
more than 18 percent fat by weight.
(c) At the time of production of the
material, it must be treated with at
least 400 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin);
in the case where the material contains
more than 12 percent fat by weight, it
must be treated with at least 1000 ppm
antioxidant (ethoxyquin) at the time of
(d) Shipment of the material in bulk
must take place within twelve months
of the date of production.
(e) The temperature of the material
to be loaded must not, at the time of
loading exceed 35 °C (95 °F), or 5 °F
above ambient temperature, whichever
is greater.
(f) The material must contain at
least 100 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin)
at the time of shipment.
(g) Each shipment of the material in
bulk must be accompanied by a state-
ment in which the shipper certifies:
(1) The moisture content of the mate-
(2) The fat content of the material;
(3) The concentration of antioxidant
(ethoxyquin) in the material in ppm at
Here is the other documentation the TOTW sent to me.

Sec. 148.04-9 Fishmeal or scrap, ground or pelletized; fishmeal or scrap, ground and pelletized (mixture).
(a) The fishmeal or scrap, ground or pelletized and fishmeal or
scrap, ground and pelletized mixture must contain at least 6 percent
moisture by weight but not more than 12 percent moisture by weight.
(b) The material must not contain more than 18 percent fat by
(c) At the time of production of the material, it must be treated
with at least 400 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin); in the case where the
material contains more than 12 percent fat by weight, it must be treated
with at least 1000 ppm antioxidant (ethoxyquin) at the time of
(d) Shipment of the material in bulk must take place within twelve
months of the date of production.
(e) The temperature of the material to be loaded must not, at the
time of loading exceed 35 [deg]C (95 [deg]F), or 5 [deg]F above ambient
temperature, whichever is greater.
(f) The material must contain at least 100 ppm antioxidant
(ethoxyquin) at the time of shipment.
(g) Each shipment of the material in bulk must be accompanied by a
statement in which the shipper certifies:
(1) The moisture content of the material;
(2) The fat content of the material;
(3) The concentration of antioxidant (ethoxyquin) in the material in
ppm at

[[Page 20]]

the time the material is loaded on a vessel in bulk;
(4) Date and place of production of the material; and
(5) The physical state of the material (ground, pelletized, or
(h) Temperature readings must be taken three times a day and
recorded. If the temperature of the cargo exceeds 130 [deg]F and
continues to increase, ventilation to the hold must be restricted.
What makes no sense to me about all this "ship" stuff is that not all fish meal is transported by ships. In the case of Orijen, they use fresh local fish from the Canadian waters and make their own meal. (I am told). So where would a ship come into it? I think this only applies when companies are importing their ingredients. I have not researched this, however, it just seems like common sense to me.
Here is what i found in FAQ section of Orijen website:
Champion’s ingredients and foods are never preserved with Ethoxyquin or any other chemical preservative.

Ethoxyquin is typically used as a preservative in fish ingredients, and is commonly found in fish ingredients produced within the United States. Champion uses two kinds of fish ingredients in – fresh fish, and fish meals.

FRESH FISH. Our fresh fish is caught wild within our region and arrives FRESH – which is defined as ‘never frozen and with no preservatives’. Our fresh fish never contain Ethoxyquin.

FISH MEALS. Ethoxyquin preservatives are common throughout the fish meal supply chain, so Champion works directly with our fish meal suppliers (no brokers or middlemen) and we pay them a premium to have our fish meals preserved with our proprietary blend of Vitamin E and botanical extracts. Our fish meals are never preserved with Ethoxyquin.

Champion’s Ethoxyquin standard is set at true trace level, not to exceed 5 ppm (parts per million) of Ethoxyquin, which is 0.0005%, or one half of one thousandth of 1% – the lower limit of what most certified laboratories are able to detect or measure.

They do say that they provide the preservative to their fish meal supplier( i wonder who that is)...but later they set a limit on Ethoxyquin. Why the limit if there is not ethoxyquin?
And that limit is what TOTW claims they fall at. My question about the addition of ethoxquin to the fish meal would seem to be a concern for the American producers who don't claim to use fresh fish. Since I feed 2 large dogs and 2 cats, Orijen is really out of my price range. I would rather stay with the Innova, EVO, California Natural and others range. So if the others say that they don't "add ethoxquin".... that could very well be true. However, are they being truthful about whether it's added elsewhere in the supply chain of the fish meal.
Hi Melissa, this is my concern too...More and more I read this, i feel that they are all playing word games.
BTW, Your doodles are beautiful...Where are you located in Cincinnati? I am in Loveland.
Thanks! We live in Colerain township. I work over our way on Mason-Montgomery. We were at the Blue Ash pool for the dog swim last weekend and saw several doodles.
Hi Melissa, ask and you will receive ~ you inquired of my position on your postings.

My suggestion is that the best assurance you can obtain is to submit in writing a letter to any company you are considering asking not whether there is ethoxyquin in their food, or if they put it in but rather can they guarantee there is NO ethoxyquin present in their food. My new letters are very blunt, it may read something like " I would like to request whether you can guarantee that there is absolutely no ethoxyquin present, either added or present as added prior to your company acquiring it in writing; of course with the knowledge that this written response may be shared or become public record in the future." No sugar coating about it, I take this very seriously and if they do not I will gladly offer my premium food payment to someone who will. It is very difficult for me to continue all of ours on what we use, especially lately when I have been spending more computer time uncovering information than working on my website to let people know I have puppies who as anticipated consume more and more each week. I am committed to this though and I think that as a breeder especially this is something I cannot afford NOT to do, food does after all trickle down to a cellular level which as you know is at the foundation of life.

I have shared with another we all know well here who is also a tremendous help with a brain that can disect it to the point I can only hope to try and follow that I am aware of some issues brewing about this entire scandal. At this point I really am unable to fully disclose but rest assured should any of it elevate to the point of being a health or safety issue for our beloved furkids I will cast caution to the wind as I would NEVER sit on that information. What I can tell you is that I am actively talking to people in the industry and I have some information that may provide reassurance but I am waiting to provide firm substantiation of where you can look at it.

Only when WE decide to stand up to the food companies in unison will it bring change. The FDA simply does not have the resources or the inclination to intervene as we wish, they have their plate full enough with all the issues in our food. We can make a difference though, never underestimate that. We may not be able to shut down companies, impose fines and police them but the more we educate the more inclined the consumer will be to spend their pet food budget elsewhere ~ when that grows enough the rest will take care of itself and hopefully the cream of the crop will be revealed.
Wow, this just scares the you know what out of me. I already lost one beloved pet to cancer at a way to young age. Let me ask you this. Are those of us who are feeding Orijen/Acana still safe? Their website says.....
Champion’s ingredients and foods are never preserved with Ethoxyquin or any other chemical preservative.

Ethoxyquin is typically used as a preservative in fish ingredients, and is commonly found in fish ingredients produced within the United States. Champion uses two kinds of fish ingredients in – fresh fish, and fish meals.

FRESH FISH. Our fresh fish is caught wild within our region and arrives FRESH – which is defined as ‘never frozen and with no preservatives’. Our fresh fish never contain Ethoxyquin.

FISH MEALS. Ethoxyquin preservatives are common throughout the fish meal supply chain, so Champion works directly with our fish meal suppliers (no brokers or middlemen) and we pay them a premium to have our fish meals preserved with our proprietary blend of Vitamin E and botanical extracts. Our fish meals are never preserved with Ethoxyquin.

Champion’s Ethoxyquin standard is set at true trace level, not to exceed 5 ppm (parts per million) of Ethoxyquin, which is 0.0005%, or one half of one thousandth of 1% – the lower limit of what most certified laboratories are able to detect or measure.

So if they don't use it how is there even a trace of it in their food? Dianne, I am sure you can help me with that answer, please? You also know how I feel about this whole sad situation. I just want to be among the first to know what I should and should not be feeding. :)
Sally (miss ya!) I believe if I tell you that I am still using ACANA & Orijen that will say it all. I also continue to use canned Mulligans Stew as well as ALL of our little tricks up our sleeve that I have shared with you. Nothing has changed with our regime BUT (and this is absolutely not based on anything I am waiting to verify so fear not) I ALWAYS advise people to have a plan B. For a gazillion reasons, what if there was a natural disaster that effected production, transportation or wiped out a source of the food you count on? An allergy or sensitivity developed? Not to mention the more obvious concerns over ingredients, sourcing and contamination.

As to Champion foods specifically I spoke with Clark at Champion this week (Thursday ~ I think). He restated what we know that the regulation, which is actually part of homeland security because fishmeal is explosive apparently, that this is a U.S. regulation. I spoke to him and actually sent him this link because I think it is important for him to be aware of what we think and also what has been stated with a very specific pointed finger by Dr. Brookshire of TOTW. Additionally I have sent this link to several other premium food contacts ~ so praise and blast, as I said we do have the potential to make a difference. Blessings ~ Dianne
Dianne (I miss you too, really) thank you so much again for the millionth time to put my mind at ease. I am alos feeding the Mulligans Stew and all our little other tricks. Nothing has changed for me either. As for a plan B..that I am having trouble devising as I don't trust any other foods at the moment! But I do know if you switich you will let all that follow you know, that I am confident of. As you know, if I see your name I read it!! Thanks once again for the reassurance. I just made another Acana convert at work and I am even picking up the food for her as nowhere near her will carry it...same for little Jake. It is not out of the way for me. My store will bring in anything I ask for...gotta love them. Hope all is well. You are THE BEST!!! Sally



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