Hi all,
I have everything all set for the Oct.,10th romp at Chaparral Park in Scottsdale, and there have been over 40 responses between this group. Desert Doodles Group and the Meetup.com/Arizona-Doodle-Romp Group. Since it may be pretty big, I'm having a little pre-romp this Sat. Sept 26 at the Snedigar Sportsplex Dog Park in Chandler. 8:30am. Anyone care to join us?
I will be with Murphy an apricot doodle, about 50 pds, 8 months old and Marley a white doodle, about 70 pds, and 1 1/2 yrs old. I have a Blue SUV. Hope to see some of you there.,
Hi all .unfortunately Mojo and I will not be able to be there on the 10th for the romp...my Dad's 85th is on the 10th, and we will be with him in Sun City West. I do hope Mojo and I will be able to be at the next one..have fun, and enjoy!
Diane, Thanks for the RSVP. I appreciate it, I will update on the Nov.14th Romp when we get closer. Will probably have at a different park that month. Trying to be fair to everyone and not have the same people have to travel too much every month.
Any suggestions of parks are welcome. Have a Happy Dad Birthday.
Sue - Thanks for organizing the romp this past Saturday. Fenway had a blast and after his training after the romp - he just passed out for the rest of the day! He's back to normal now but was really worn out! :-)
See you guys on the 10th!
Good to meet you and Paulette and your beautiful girls. They were so excited to see all the doodles, it was precious. I hope Chaparral doesn;t have an age limit. That's silly, and your girls are a perfect example of how well children can do with dogs.
You are very welcome and I look forward to many more. As for my two doods....they slept all day and all night too.
How'd Fenway do at training being so tired? Was it easier or harder to get her to focus?