Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm sure that title enraged some of you. And don't get me wrong - I love Toby, I would never give him up, and I wouldn't have it any other way now that I have him. However, I don't think that I was as aware as I should have been about the activity level/energy level of doodles. Lately he's been so bouncy - jumping up more, wanting attention, needing ever-so-much exercise. I would have loved, and actually thought I might be getting a mild tempered, snuggly dog that just loved and wanted to be with me. Toby is 13 months old, and I know this will pass, especially because he doesn't "get away with it", but as we're going through it, I can't help but wish for that calm, loving, snuggly dog.

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Toby is a goldendoodle - F1. Hopefully that means that he calms down in the near future. :) He does not shed - that is a definite plus. Last time we had him groomed he was matted, but not at all before that. And by calming down, I don't mean that he is racing madly around the house all day. I mean that when I have people over he is more controlled, and that in the evenings he would just relax. :)
Well I was fortunate that I came across the "high energy" label while researching the dogs before I got Abby. So I was expecting it....and she didnt dissappoint, LOL she is a high energy bundle of fur that is born to love. But this also makes here a "pleaser" and she is pretty easy to train and well behaved. My second doodle always gets the comment "....and this is her hyper age!!!!!!???" Meaning she is so calm, and laid back we are afraid she will grow up to be furniture. LOL!!

I dont get around to walking them everyday but they get plenty of exercise running through the trees (we have an enormous forested backyard that banks and goes down a ravine, all fully fenced and doggy proof. And their/our area in the house (kitchen,nook,familyroom) gives them plenty of place to roam around as well. (While they are puppies certain areas like the upstairs and formal living room, dining room, den, etc... are off limits.)

Anyways, I agree that more breeders should advertise the less desirable (whether it is a matter of perception or not) traits, not only desirable traits. But they want to sell the dogs so the advertising is all positive for the most part. Thats why it helps to get online and surf to research info ahead of time.
I wonder if it depends on the size of doodle as to the activity level of the doodle? I have a standard size cockapoo and a medium size labradoodle. Their activity level is about the same. I notice Kona the labradoodle will play more fetch in the house, but outside they are pretty well matched. If we don't get out for a walk they will play more with each other over the evening. I adore the poodle mixes just for this reason, one good walk or dog park session a day pretty much does them for the day :)
I have always thought the best way to choose the dog for your lifestyle is to do your homework for the type of dog that it fits. I too was a littly leary as to the activity level of the labradboodle to our lifestyle, but have found our medium size girl to fit perfectly into our lifestyle and activity level. As to the grooming, once she get's to the point of getting a little long and starting to matt we get her clipped. I love her in all her in all her hair lengths! I have never regretted getting either of my dogs, I looked at it as a challenge in puppyhood, but knew my dedication to training and mutual love would gain me two awsome loves of my life, and that is what I gained. I wouldn't trade them for the world, and I have had mutliple offers of if I ever needed to rehome them....... Not in my lifetime :)
GBK - My words exactly. This is exactly how I feel about my girls. I've never loved any animals so much and they so fit into my home. Everyone in my town absolutely loves my girls too. They go to the little bar in my little town. They sit quitely while I have a drink - never bothering anyone. When I say they are only 8 and 19 months noone can believe it. I did do my research before purchasing them and everything my breeder said was exactly what I got. Again, after hearing many peoples other problems, maybe i was just lucky. Anyway if anyone lives near MN and wants a doodle I can give you the name of a great breeder.

Beverley S. Lalonde
Absolutely not! I now have three. Harlee is my 90 lb teddy bear, Therapy Dog, Agility, AKC CGC..obed. trained and so on. I got Harlee a buddy b. July 31, 2008 in Oct. when Chloe was 8 weeks. They have had a ball together. If raining the dogs do the treadmill. Then July 2009 I got a Petite Goldlendoodle. They get along great except Chloe get's' a little rough with Li'l Buddy. I am working on that. The wavy coats are much easier to keep up then the curlier coats, Curlier coat have that extra body so they are gougeous if kept about an inch done every six weeks and blown dry. Another thing that will tier them is giving them a nuckle bone from Butcher shop. I will cut all fat off and bake about a half hour at 350 degrees or boil. They will chew for hours. Keep breath fresh and teeth white.Be calm and assertive if you want your doodles to be.


Chris & Boys:
Adorable doods! But no debate on this issue! I love my doodle and would love to eventually get another. But, I don't like the jumping. He will literally jump up, straight up, all four off the ground at once. He has jumped a 4-1/2' fence, so that is a problem. I guess that is more of a poodle trait rather than golden trait for sure.
I'm glad that my family and I have got two doodles. They are so sweet, funny, and kind to have around.
My male doodle jumps a little, I'm teaching him how to not jump on people. My female doodle learned quickly not to jump on people as much. I have notice they are getting better not to jump as much. I need to work not to bark in the house and use indoor voices instead.
Doodles are the best dogs ever!



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