Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Ok, so yesterday I took Angel, who is 5 mos old, to the park for our walk, where there are lots of unknown people and children. While she was timid in the past, I had hoped she grew out of it. Anyway, it seems she hasn't but whereas she used to love kids, she is now afraid of them. She seems curious but when they go to pet her, she backs away, tries to run. She is also sort of lunging at people, but not in agression. She never growls or barks, and she doesn't try to bite; again, I think she's just curious. She wants to sniff, and runs right over to do it. Yesterday she did it to one woman who is deathly afraid of dogs; the woman jumped about a foot in the air, screamed, and then started running a fair distance before looking back and glaring at me. Can't say that I blame her, really. It's already disconcerting seeing a dog wear a gentle leader if you don't know what it is -- looks like a muzzle.

Anyway, any suggestions? Is this something I need to go to serious training for?


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That is unfortunate. I do think there are a lot of complex stages of development and she is young enough to grow out of it, but how you handle her in these situations could impact her a lot. I think positive experiences are important and your attitude during interaction (your tension, or lack there of, excitement, etc.) will impact her behavior perhaps most of all.
I started taking Madden to puppy classes at Petsmart because she LOVES every person and every dog she sees. So she has to jump up on EVERYONE. She lunges and at everyone who walks by, and if they have a dog then there's no stopping her. She just lovesss to play but has no manners. So were working on that in class
hi Amanda -- i was thinking of doing that b/c mine does the same thing. when we're on a walk or when people come to the house, he's beyond excited. Are you having a good expereience at Petsmart? the trainer at ours seems great but I've been hesitant about signing up for some reason. which class are taking? beginner?
If a person has a dog Angel also loves them and the dog, especially the dog. Every moment is the right moment to play for her, on leash or off. In fact she's usually aol with people in pet supply stores too. It's just out in the open shes unsure. Hmm...
I doubt she needs any form of 'special' or 'specialized' training for this. But remember there are FEW if any kids that approach dogs appropriately. They almost all come on too fast... and with their arms out before them, reach for the dog's head--all things that all but the most friendly and confident dogs really don't appreciate.

How exactly is she 'lunging' at you mean she just rushes toward them or that she jumps at them or how?
Also how did she get so close to the freaked out woman? Is her leash super long or did she sort of surprise you and catch you off guard so you could not keep her close to you?

My opinion is always to work toward excellent obedience to the basics (sit, down, stay, heel, etc) and get those reliable in all situations as your goal.... This requires training everywhere and with all sorts of distractions including kids and scary/scared people, etc. Then most likely the confidence built through that will fix most other issues.
Yes thats a better way of putting it: she rushes towards them. No growling, but no tail wagging either. She just seems curious. And as to how it happened - yes, I was surprised. I was looking down at her waiting for her to potty... Anyway we are going to obedience, but it's slow going as she has a somewhat stubborn mind of her own. But besides that I don't want to unwittingly eithe reinforce the behavior or engender further timidity or aggression. I have always asserted that Angel doesn't have an aggressive bone in her body, and I'd like to always be able to say that.
I agree with Adina. Peri sometimes "lunges" toward people, but she is just excited to see them. Our puppy obedience class got us started with training to heel, come, stay, etc...she does it perfectly at home, not so perfectly with distractions around her (which is MOST of the time!).
We are starting the next level with her tomorrow evening. Our trainer administers the Canine Good Citizen test. Peri is obviously not even ready for that; however, we are aiming for that level one day. The next class concentrates on positive reinforcement in crowds. We will hone in on Peri obeying basic commands - the change is that she will be asked to do them in a crowd of people. Our last puppy class, we went to our own corners and had 1:1 attention. This time, we will be in situations just like you are talking about. On a leash, walking through people, and we ask her to "heel" etc..
So, long answer to your question, but I do have a point! Find a good obedience class that uses positive reinforcement. Not only will it socialize her (I have heard 5-6 months is often as critical as 2-3 months) with humans and canines alike, but hone in on her obedience when she is in crowds, meeting new people, etc...
Hope that helps.



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