Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My puppy is almost 13 weeks old and I already bought a gentle leader and I am walking him about 3-4 miles. Is this OK, for a young pup? I had a friend tell me it could hurt his hips and he was too young. She also told me her breeder told her not to run with hers until they were 1 year old for the hips! Does anyone know about this?

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I have read and been told all the things your friend said. I think about15 minutes for walks on a lead is about right at your pup's age.
Check out the Doodle Fitness Group. There is a lot of good information about exercising. But I have been told the same advise by several vets and people on I am just starting to run and walk 2-3 miles with my 10 month old after building up to that distance very slowly. I don't let him jump off high beds or out of the jeep which has been raised higher than normal cars.
I find when he is allowed to run free on his own or with other dogs, he will stop and start and take breaks as his body needs, which are much more often than I would give him on a 3-4 mile walk. We'd never get home. So I let him dictate what he can tolerate and have built slowly on that.
Thanks everyone! I just googled it too and I read that you shouldn't walk them far until 6 month. I think it said 5 minutes for every month they are until 6 months. I guess I have to give him a break! Poor little guy I probably wore him out! He did good though. Love the gentle leader. He took very well to it! I will just have to walk my Aussie/Heeler till he gets older! Hate to leave the little guy, but want what is best for him!
What I've read is no running/jogging till 18 months when growth plates should be closed. Of course that doesn't mean your pup can't run around the yard on his own or with you. It just means puppy shouldn't be going on a run or on a jog where he'll be running for an extended period.

And yes, walks for a young pup need to be fairly short...more for teaching than for getting somewhere.
Phewwww. Because when I read this I thought Ruttt Rohhhh. I take the girls on a 6km loop at least 3 times a week. But I walk. And they have no struggles at all. Quite happy.
You walk 6 miles with your dog. How old is your pup? Mine did fine on a 4 mile walk and I have an aussie/australian shepherd mix and he walked with me from the time he was this age too. Everyday!! It really helped him be a calm dog! I like having company on my walk!
6 kilometres. LOL! (I am Canadian - we are metric) That is about 4 miles. The girls are 9 months and 4 months.
How long have you been walking her that far, since they were how old?
Sorry, didn't catch the metric thing! lol



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