Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay - I seriously need to see that Toby is not the only non-perfect doodle out there! So many times people write about how wonderful their dogs are, how well behaved, etc. I need to know that there are other dogs Toby's age (14 months) that a) jump up on people, even though they know full well they are not supposed to, b) pull on their leash when they really, really want to go see something, even though they have passed obedience school demonstrating that they DON'T do this, and c) completely ignore my commands when in public if their is something more interesting going on.

Toby is truly a work in progress, and I love him dearly. We work hard at being consistent in our commands and expectations. has not been a good day. We're bringing him to my Mom's for Thanksgiving dinner tonight, but we're only 7 minutes from home, so if we have a repeat performance, he'll be coming home to spend Thanksgiving evening in his crate....

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Those are the same people who probably have perfect children :)

Baker is a BRAT...he's 9 months old & has been to 3 series of trainings...he performs well in class, but at home, he flies through the house with any prize he can steal...toilet brushes & their containers are a current favorite :P He pays no attention in public either...the only way to get his attention when he's distracted is to grab his collar & take him away from it. He bugs our older dog incessantly, takes his bed, his dog house, toys from his mouth. He's bigger than my 3 grandchildren who he play bows to & thinks they are puppies to play with.

That being said, he is delightful & we are constrantly laughing at his antics...he's sweet & gentle always, & smiles at everyone with those big white puppy teeth.

Maybe the behaving comes when they're about 3 years old :)
Yay! I'm not alone with my little, or should I say big, brat. Good to know. :) Toby enjoys my husband's socks, clean or dirty, and my husband's clean, but not yet put in the drawer, underwear.
No one can wear socks in our house without him ripping them off your feet for an instant shredding.
How big is Toby? Baker is about 65# now. I think you'll have lots of responses about naughty doodles :) I'm doing to be following this discussion...
Toby is 14 months, and probably just over 70 pounds. I hope he's topped out! He has a lot of loose skin, but he isn't fat. He did puppy kindergarten, and Grade One obedience training, and behaved like an angel there. Out in the real world, not so much.
WooHoo! I have heard the saying "Give the shirt off your back" but not the sox off your feet! About a month ago, Fozzy started ripping the sox right off your feet, literally. Glad to hear someone else has a nutjob that does the same thing......are you thinking what I am? Buy "HANES" stock!
This is EXACLTY what Gaston-Cramer does with our 10 year old son (any only him!). As a matter of fact, last night he was running around playing with GC and I told them to calm down. Kyle yelled he couldn't stop as Gaston had his sock (and hence his foot) in his mouth and he'd swallow it if he stopped. I, silly me, told him to stop this minute and sure enough----GULP! down went the sock!!! What the heck???? What a nasty habit! LOL Gratefully, they "come out in the wash" so to speak but obviously never to be used again!~ LOL
Toby has not ever (yet) completely consumed a sock, but he loves to run through the room with it flying from his mouth like a flag. I can usually trade a treat and get it back. :)
Our Moly has a taste for socks too. She sneaks them then tries to get outside to bury them!! It must run in their bloodline.
Yeah, Gracie is certainly not perfect in anyone's eyes, although she is the light of my life. 3 obedience classes completed and passed, but that is not the same dog that lives in my house. She is a thief, counter surfer, zooming dog, who at times can stealthily chew a hole in anything while never moving one iota so you never suspect the blanket or quilt is in her mouth! I wouldn't trade her for a millions bucks! Yeah, I was hoping the magic age is 2, in about 4 or 5 months!
We were home all summer with Bodi, then we all went back to school. Apparently he slept all day because he was UP all night. What was he doing?? Chewing buttons off of sweaters and ripping apart a canvas bag I USED to love!! And he did all of this laying next to my bed . . . . "Hey mom, do you know what I'm doing?" Things are better now!
I just decided to put training classes on hold for a while. Luca has been in class more often then not for a year! Calla on and off for a few months but she does learn from Luca. We learn --or supposedly do--the same things repeatedly but I am not consistent enough in training at home. Right now the class we go to was starting crate games and i really don't see the utility in that. That being said they both jump on people when excited. Calla had been chewing on various things of late but she seems to have eased off on that for now. They'll obey for treats but ignore commands at other times. On the whole, they are sometimes naughty but generally good dogs. They've never chewed furniture. I'd trust them to never purposely hurt anyone although they might knock someone for a loop when playing.
Well I am having the opposite issue..Peri is a complete hellion in her new obedience class! She was great in puppy class, not so much anymore...won't listen to a word I say. It is embarrasing. But at home she listens most of the time. She still gets into trouble, but taking her into public is a whole new thing! Pulls on the leash, barks at other dogs (in a friendly way, saying "please play with me"). I definitely get some looks from people.....hoping training starts to help! But I am with you! Peri is just over 6 months old.



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