Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Does anyone have any experience with Cockpoos?? We would MAYBE like to add another doggie to our family but two doodles the same size as ours would be a bit "crowded" shall I say. I saw a cockapoo the other day-I actually though it was a medium or mini doodle. He was sooo cute and seemed very well behaved. Any info is appreciated.

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I don't know about cockapoos, but cocker spaniels are notoriously difficult to housebreak. Also, it has been very hard to find even-tempered cocker spaniels in the U.S. since the 60's...their popularity following "Lady and the Tramp" was not a good thing for the breed. The English cockers have much better temperaments as a rule than the American cockers. I would investigate the temperaments of the parents very carefully.
Remember the old "How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb" joke? Well, notice what the cocker spaniel says.
That is hilarious!! Why- because it is soo true. I think our nosy doodles would say "Can I help? You know how good I am at helping with things around the house. I never get in the way. I can jump up on the ladder and hold it for you while you change it. Then I can grab the light bulb out of your hand and run around the house looking for places to hide it for you".
Too Funny, So True.
Debbie~ The breeder I got Jersey and Jasmine (both mini doodles) from also breeds cockapoos. When we went to pick Jasmine up, my husband was looking at a litter of cockapoos. He thought they were cute and small. I asked the breeder about the difference and was told they are harder to train and the doodles had a better temperament. I am very happy with both of my doodles. Jersey is 26 pounds and Jasmine is 24 pounds at almost 6 months. Jersey was a little mouthy in the beginning, but easily broken of that. Jasmine has never bitten us, or tried to chew anything that wasn't hers. It was almost like she came full grown and trained but in a small package, EXCEPT for the housebreaking. Good luck with your choice.
your dogs are adorable and thks for responding. I never heard that cockapoos were harder to train than doodles but I don't know that much about the breed-so your info is helpful. I have only known two-one looked exactly like a cocker spaniel and he trained like a dream. They had NO issues with this sweet little guy, smart, friendly, just a great family pet. However, he died at only 7 with some heart complications. That worrys me. The other litle guy we know is also so smart and trained like a dream, but his hair is quite straight and he has really short little legs almost like a daschund. He is from a pet store so who really knows what his background is. I adore doodles but as I said above-just looking around for something similar but smaller who WILL not become a vampire every evening for the first 6 mths. I honestly think we just got a ferosciously mouthy puppy. Lots of doodles don't do this I guess, but you really can't tell can you when you choose a puppy.
I think that different breed combos have a likelihood to show certain traits, but I think that there are still a lot of personality differences within a litter and you have to factor in training and family energy as well.

If you want a cockapoo, get a cockapoo! I just urge you to find out a lot about the individual puppy you are going to buy first--personality not size or coat.

The only cockapoo I have had contact with is very nervous and high energy, but I am sure she had littermates who weren't, and I am sure that my friend's training (possible lack thereof) has played a big role in this.
I have a cockapoo and I like him a lot! The only thing I can say is stay FAR FAR FAR away from the breeder in TN. If you need more information you can contact me by phone (my number is on my site).
No need to worry about TN! We live in Toronto-Canada. I actually havn't even strated looking at breeders yet. Any advice?
I had a cockapoo for 16 yrs. She passed away in July of 08. She only weighed 12 lbs. She was great with kids and people. In all of the 16 yrs, she was never sick. The only thing I ever had to get done at the vets was have her teeth cleaned and yearly shots. My sister always had cockapoos too and they were friendly and well behaved too.. My lilly that I have now just looks like she could be her BIG sister. My doodle is 65 lbs. and what a difference 53lbs. makes..:)
Awe thanks Kathy-our wheaton terrior passed away in Oct/08. Your story about cockapoos and their well behaved personality is what has attracted me to this breed. I also like their look which is very doodly.



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