Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well today started like all other days, with my two dogs playing and romping in the house...They were having their usual fun with each other, nothing different from all other days...So I decided to grab a quick shower, and left the bathroom door open so they could see where I was...No problem, lol....So I come out of the shower, dry my hair, get dressed and fo to put my glasses on, brabd new, just got them this past Sat and I don't see them anywhere. Now I know I left them in their case on my nightstand, and they have been there. every morning since Sat. I walk around the rm, into the hall and their is Oliver chewing them to shreds....All that was left were pieces of the frames...I freaked out about first that he swallowed the metal and the plastic lenses, and then I freaked because they just cost me $ 275.00. I guess I scared the heck out of him when I screamed his name. he dropped what was left, and took off to hide, ( silly dog, he is too big to hide)...My other dog, ran to his crate and went in and wouldn't come out, lol...BUT not Ollie, he just looked at me, like Ma what did I do???...Well I have been watching him all day since htis happened and he seems to be fine, of course I am sure he ate the lenses, they were plastic, and he ate part of the frames...He was his happy self today, pooped twice since the incident, no sign of anything, and he is eating and drinking fine...I am a wreck though...Called the eye Dr. and he is remaking the glasses for me...Of course I have to pay another $275.00, but I am going to call my credit card co. and see if they will re-emburse me...I knew I should have used my Amer.Express card, they would have done it, I thought I did, but when I called them, I realized I didn't...Ugh, just what I needed, but I guess this too shall pass, but I sure am happy Ollie is fine, but I could have used the money for other things,,,

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Oops, sry for the spelling errors. meant to read it over then hit add, but I didn't...
Oh Yikes!! Max destroyed a library book and a remote control. I was concerned about the batteries but eventually found them. I can't believe how quickly they get these things. Hope your CC company reimburses you.
thanks Sandy, I will call them tomorrow for sure...And so far he is just fine...He must have a cast iron stomach, at least I hope so...
awwh - sorry about your glasses.

I always ask Dexter how he can be so cute and then bad all within such a short period of time :)
Exactly the question I asked Oliver!!!!
When our boys were puppies I happened to look out the window watching them play and chase each other. I thought 'how cute', then I thought 'what the heck do they have?' The very next thought was 'OH SH#%! Those are my glasses!' Of course they were distroyed. I went to the eye doctor, explained to the doc what happened and got a new pair. Two weeks later the boys chewed DH's glasses. He too went to the eye doctor and explained what happened. The eye doctor said 'how strange, we had a lady here 2 weeks ago that had the same experience'. =)
So now we know that Doodles like glasses, lol...I just am glad that he is ok, but boy I was just so crazed, lol...
Ha..I can't find my glasses...maybe he's the culprit ;) Kidding, I lost them.
Ugggh! What a pain! Your brand new glasses! I bet you wanted to just flop down and cry.! I will keep my fringers crossed that all stays well with Ollie (and the other dog - I bet he isnt innocent either -lol)
Well Renny is 12 1/2 yrs old, in all his life which we have had him since he was 2 mos old, he has never chewed or destroyed anything,,,I think that is because his brother Tokem ( he died last year at 13 1/2 )never would let him have anything, lol..Token was the Alpha, and although they loved each other and would play together, the toys would always end up being in Tokens corner. So I really don't think it was Renny, I think this little devil Oliver is just going to be one of those little thieves that I am going to have to watch all the time.....He is oly 6 mos old, even if he is a giant, lol...And yes I did want to flop down and cry....
Ned also was a puppy glasses eater. He got them off the night stand and merrily chewed the ear pieces and eye pads which caused the lenses to fall out. I was able to get them repaired kinda/sorta and ordered a new pair - luckily, I was due for a new pair.
Sam ate DH's glasses, the internet cable and a jar of peanut butter. (He took the glasses and the peanut butter off the kitchen counter.) Clever dog -- chewed a hole in the plastic jar and could then get the peanut butter at his leisure. The most expensive trick, though, was chewing holes in tennis balls and dropping them in the toilet. Intact tennis balls will float. Holed ones not so much. They don't flush, either. Sam sure enjoyed the ensuing flood!



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