Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here's a link to all our past Front Page Slide Show themes...some we repeat every so often, but I'm looking for NEW ideas for the coming months. Check out what we've done...and please make your suggestions here!

Some things to consider
...themes should be themes that are fairly easy to capture/photograph or things that don't involve too much interpretation--otherwise it might be better to just start a thread on a photo theme and have people respond that way.
...there should already be a fair number of photos that FIT the theme on the site -- this means that members wouldn't all have to take brand new photos, but could if they wanted to.

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Wow - there are tons of great ideas here... and I am always up for the challenge of trying to get that "perfect" picture for the slide show. It's fun.
Just thought of "Doodle Destroyers" as Guinness is running around with his pig with no legs (performed leg amputation surgery early this morning). Now to clean up the stuffing that is all over the bedroom.
Halas has lots of these "used to be" toys. Used to be a giraffe, used to be a bear, used to be a tug rope. So that could be a funny one, too. Doodle destroyers with their "used to be" toys.
I like that one - I could have a pile to show you. Peri has become quite the destroyer lately. Her poor toys that are animals are missing every arm, leg, tail or eye there is!
I call them "skins" , the outside of what used to be a plush toy.
I call them sad, dead whatevers, as in "Go get your sad, dead hedgehog." I sure the neighbors can't hear me!
What about Doodle-thieves. You know. Stealing the perverbial sock or other non-doodle approved object.
Or Garbage Doodles. Duncan picks up more trash on our walks than the sanitation men do. (there's also doodles that get into the trash can).

Although usually time is of the essence to remove said non-doodle approved item and photo op is probably not so good.
Yea, Adina had a doodles doing chores slide show - not good at all! We thought it would be cute for Ned to be checking things out in the dishwasher. Well now, we have a problem with Ned checking things out in the dishwasher..... LOL
I'm sooo sorry but it's still soooo funny!
YES it is funny actually, but from the great wisdom of my age, why was I dumb enough to even think it was a good idea? I should know better!!!! LOL - maybe next time the dishwasher breaks, I will just hire Ned to lick everything clean!
Doodle Parts, seperate parts, head, butt, belly, tails
Doodles with balls
Doodles with bones
Lazy doodles
Doodle frog legs
sport doodles

Here's another baby and doodle pic. I am sure there are plenty of them, they are just not tagged so you can find them.



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