Let's get this pool started. Winner gets bragging rights to the right birth date and weight. Are you ready for the challenge? I don't know her exact due date, but from an earlier blog of hers she said the baby is due next week.
I pick November 22. A Sunday baby. I think her weight will be 6lb.7oz.
Nov. 27th, 7lb 14oz
I'm figuring a big turkey dinner just might trigger those contractions! Oops, I could be wrong - it might lull Wiggle Worm into a tryptophan stupor!
I like this one...because that means a few hours from now!!!! I just went on a walk with Clark and the dogs, but couldn't shake the baby out yet. But there is still time for you to be right!!!
Permalink Reply by Missi on November 21, 2009 at 11:12pm
Run the stairs! Or do what is guaranteed to pop babies out! (I wouldn't know, but my buddies in L&D say that a little, um, "bedroom activity" always works). I want to be right! And of course, if that means counting by Hawaii's time zone, I'm okay with that. hehe.... Really, I just want wiggle worm to make her appearance when she's healthy, happy, and ready. Good luck!
"Bedroom activity" does work to an extent..haha. we always get people coming into our L&D unit who had intercourse..and are contracting because the prostaglandins in semen cause the contractions..however, they usually die off..But if it's close to your due date, sometimes the doc will just keep patients there and induce!
I had one lady come in and deliver pretty quickly who decided late night taco bell burrito sounded good...LOL!