Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We all made it through thanksgiving! Am I the only one who thinks we should abolish holidays and just celebrate whenever there's a personal reason too. Holidays are herd events resulting in too much hoopla, traffic, stress, advertising and pressure. Then there are the people with no where to go who feel particularly lonely and isolated. Thanksgiving is my favorite because of it's meaning and the absence of gift giving. One of my sons always complains about "Hallmark Holidays".

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We make XMAS all about the kids (grandkids). I love their excitement and anticipation. Ours all still believe in Santa, so it's a magic time for them, and I find that's contagious. We also have the entire extended family together on XMAS Eve which is lots of work but so much fun. The kids run wild, (and this year Guinness will be running right along with them) but it's a joy to be part of their innocence and belief in something so unexplainable. We do our best to focus on the real meaning of this special holiday, but at least for now I think Santa is winning out. There will be time for that later.
I hate the craziness and stress that comes with holidays. I wish it was a little less about money and appearances, and a little more about family and doing good. That being said, I am a TOTAL Christmas nut. (you are all going to be glad you don't have to hang around me) I listen to Christmas music and put up my tree... the day after HALLOWEEN. I know, I'm guilty. Growing up, my family has always made Christmas a huge part of our traditions. I would never want to miss out on all that family fun, I love spending time with them!
I agree. That's why this year we are leaving town for Christmas. My family will be with me including my doodles. No shopping for hours for the right gift, tired feet, stress etc etc. My gift to my grandkids is a trip to Disney world and spending Christmas together. I do love that they believe in Santa and the excitement on their faces. Cody doesn't like all the hoopla. He will open a gift or two and then go to another room to be alone for awhile. It's too much for him. He never actually opens all his gifts, my granddaughter Mylissa ends up opening them. We need to tone it down and this is the year to start.
Can I come too! Sounds great Linda, have fun and enjoy.
Of course you can! Bring spud, we will find you room.
Okay, well can we just stay at the pool? Disney World is stressful too! LOL I just want to be lazy and obscure one Christmas in my life.
I stay and watch all the doodles and you all can say hi to Mickey for me.... OH and ride on Space Mountain :)
Again, have fun Linda. You deserve it.
In my family Christimas is Very traditional to our heritage. It is filled focused on the meaning of Christmas with gift giving not being the focus. Only the kids get presents, and all the adults only get one gift from an exchange.

I was one of the nuts out today and to be honest I had some great conversations with people while waiting in line. I didn't see anyone that was pushy or rude. Actually, it dawned on me at Target at five am how helpful people were. I thought it was particularly friendly out there today. Better than any other day of shopping.

Maybe I was looking for the good, maybe it just turned out that way, but if you go in to it with a negative attitude, what else will come out of it? Ok, I'm not on a soapbox, just hoping to spread the cheer. This is a season that reminds all of us, regardless or our religion, or lack thereof, that we should live by the Golden Rule.
I love Thanksgiving & Christmas - I think New Years is highly over rated. It's easy to get caught up in the stress of "the holidays" but I think it is a wonderful time to refocus on what is important. America has been so blessed, even our poor are rich in the eyes of most of the world. Thanksgiving and Christmas help me re-boot and recognize how much I have to be thankful for and the wonderful love that God revealed to all man. We are an average, middle class family who is suffering from this economic recession the same as everyone but we have SO much to celebrate. Our Christmas tree won't have as many gifts this year but that is not why we celebrate Christmas. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all! :-)
Jennifer you said it perfectly! Thank you.
I have to confess that I love the the Christmas holiday season. I'm Jewish, so for me the whole month of December is pretty stress free...I buy Hannukah presents for the family, attend lots of holiday parties, and get time off of work. I have traditions built around the holidays...on Christmas day, I go to the movies and out for Chinese food with some friends, and during this time off I start and complete a home project (will be painting this kitchen this Christmas!). This year, I will get get to spend lots of quality time with my fave doodle, Callie.

I'm REALLY happy to read everyone's postings about how they miss the spirit of the season and get a little frustrated by the trappings. I feel the same way about Hannukah...I'm reasonably confident that the 8-night miracle of the oil lamps did NOT include a list of 8 wii games, 1 for each night (as outlined for me by nephews, in their order of desire). That I give an
"oy", not an "amen"!
LOL. Sometimes I get a little annoyed that everyone assumes that everyone else celebrates Christmas as a religious holiday in this secular country with many religious groups.



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