Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Linda K Gregory
  • Female
  • Elizabethtown, KY
  • United States
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Linda K Gregory's Friends

  • Debbie Daniels
  • Debbie and Bentley
  • Julie Patterson
  • Ellie and Cooper
  • Christa Brangers
  • Barbara O'Brien
  • Debbie
  • Leigh Ann & Raider
  • Amy Reusch
  • Bethany
  • Elizabeth, Bailey & Bruin
  • Jaynie Perry
  • Hilary Hammer
  • Cathy w/Shiloh~Cody

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Profile Information

About Me:
I'm 60 yrs old, married for 40 yrs. We have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. I retired this past May from a job I loved. I am a Geriatric Nurse.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have Melody a mixed breed that is part Lab, Beagle and Malmute. Lucy Loo is our labradoodle. We adopted "Moneypenny" in January 2012 and brought her home in February. She is a Australian Mini Labradoodle, parti color, chocolate/white.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rescue
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Lucy chose us. She had been hit by a car and her back leg was broke and they considered removing it. After no one claimed Lucy we took her home and we all fell in love. I had Lucy DNA tested to determine if she was a Labradoodle and it came back poodle/lab. Because of Lucy I wanted another one and searched for "Moneypenny"
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
We just hang out. I sit outside and watch her try to catch the squirrels. I love it when she points. Lucy and Money love to wrestle and chase each other. Moneypenny loves her non stuffed flamingo. She sleeps with it and it goes every where with her.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Dawn at Pawish Pet Salon and Spa

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Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 8:44am on July 9, 2012, Christa Brangers said…

Thanks for the welcome.  Sorry it's taken so long to get back.  It's nice to find a fellow Doodle owner in Etown! 

At 5:08pm on July 8, 2012, Ellie and Cooper said…
Thank you Linda. I am trying to figure out how to use this properly. I am glad to find another Kentuckian on her. I have only seen your party doodle and she is beautiful so tell me what kind of Doodle is she. I guess what colors were her parents. Cooper is almost six months old and weighs 45lbs. I got him at Morehead, KY. I would love to have another one but our house is too small. I am loving it on here I wish I had more time to spend on here. Right now we are having a problem barking a lot. Have to do some more research on these darlings. It has been 13 years since we have had a puppy in the house. Take care and see you on here again.
At 3:49pm on March 6, 2012, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Enjoy your RV trip with your doggies.  We have an RV and not only have my three but often our grown kids  and their dogs.  It makes for a wild time with the pottywalking, but so much fun when you can have your furkids with you. One of the things we always do is take a picture of whatever dogs are with us in the RV doorway.  It is a fun way to compare the dogs on each trip and we have a record of Ned's growth from puppyhood to full adult. June 2008:


At 7:40pm on March 4, 2012, Doris, Knox & Flash said…

Thanks for the friend request, Linda!Zinnea

At 5:15pm on March 4, 2012, Ginny Nightingale said…

Moneypenny is adorable!! I love Partis!!So cute!! See my message in the 50 somethings group.

At 1:57pm on March 2, 2012, Lauria Orr said…

Hi Linda!  How are things going with your new addition to the family?  Is Moneypenny adjusting and are you?  I hope you can post an update!  I am very excited for all of you!

At 2:41pm on February 26, 2012, Tom Dri (Jaxon's Dad) said…

Thank you!

At 12:51pm on February 19, 2012, John and Finn said…

Thank You!!

At 5:37pm on February 13, 2012, Lauria Orr said…


The breeder from whom we got Melody and Morgan  has a couple of new litters.  One of the puppies has similar markings to yours! I am going to try to upload a photo.  This one is a little boy, I think, and his markings are a little lighter, but started out a dark chocolate.  Very cute!

At 7:57pm on February 7, 2012, Lauria Orr said…

Linda!  Congratulations!  I am looking forward to the pictures and to hearing your stories!



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