Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

laurie Wells
  • Female
  • Humble,Tx/
  • United States
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Laurie Wells's Friends

  • Heather and Rocky
  • Jennifer,Chloe & Myla
  • Jennifer and Jack
  • Shelby and Kev
  • Kemp Rader
  • Linda and Murphy
  • AndySharon BoomerShaynaMariner

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laurie Wells's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I have Goldens, Poodles and Goldendoodles. I have a hobby of raising dogs for service/assistance and am learning everything I can and am totally amazed with the possibilities of working dogs changing lives in a really big way. I was an overseas missionary for half of my life and it;s a way I want to give back to my community. I love Goldendoodles.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Saint my Goldendoodle boy. He's amazing and such a loving boy and quick learner. He is just so naturally good. He's a bear of a dog and when you see him, you just think "hugs". I love working with him. His sister just went on to trained as a Diabetics detection dog. This really interests me and I would like to get into that field.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Smart, loyal,very trainable, non allergic qualities- ( my whole family suffers)., their fun personality and charm.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I live near a wilderness park with wonderful walking trails and creeks. I garden a lot and he is always with me. I also am very interested in training for service, assistance work and want to also train puppies. These are goals I am working on and working with others like-minded people.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Laurie Wells's Blog

I believe I can fly.

Posted on July 7, 2013 at 10:27am 11 Comments

CGC passed!

Posted on January 5, 2012 at 5:07pm 14 Comments

Zane got his new tag in the mail today for passing his CGC

Zane and the filly

Posted on June 13, 2011 at 7:49pm 9 Comments

I have been taking Zane to the stables and he was so shy at first. The secret was letting him play with the month old filly. She is so inquisitive and friendly and they became fast friends. He looks forward to going and waits for me as I stumble out the door at 6am. Tebow, my sister-in-law's Doodle has started going too and he practically does back flips to get the filly's attention. I'll have to get a video clip. It is just so fun to see how the dogs and horses get along so well together.

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At 4:57pm on November 10, 2011, Ann Kendig said…

At 3:53pm on November 10, 2011, Kemp Rader said…

We just want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Kemp, Ripley, Shiloh, Oliver & Truman

At 5:53am on November 10, 2011, Jennifer,Chloe & Myla said…

At 5:46am on November 10, 2011, Susan and Sasha said…

Sasha and I send wishes for a Very Happy Birthday Laurie!

At 5:25am on November 10, 2011, Amy, Cubbie & Ollie said…

At 12:43pm on April 23, 2011, Heather and Rocky said…

I am trying Trendy Tailz grooming this coming Wednesday.  They are on 1960 in Atascocita.  Their website is - You can find it on Facebook too - Trendy Tailz Grooming - their picture is a hot pink square with a silhouette of a poodle.  The lady's name is Crystal James -and she has another page called on FB called Oodles Poodles for her dogs.  She has two poodles as well as several other animals.  I've met her once ... she groomed my mom's Yorkie.  I like that her website for her grooming business is SUPER detailed... and since I've followed her on FB she really dedicates a lot of her life to animals.  She personally only does smaller dogs but on Wednesdays she has another groomer come in to do large dogs.  I'm looking forward to trying it out this week.  I'll let you know how it goes!

At 12:55pm on April 20, 2011, Heather and Rocky said…

I just watched your slidshow - now I want a Goldendoodle puppy!  LOL!  The one laying on the floor - oh my gosh - he looks like a big stuffed animal - I could take him home in a heartbeat!

At 12:53pm on April 20, 2011, Heather and Rocky said…

Hey!  I'm so glad to meet someone near me!  Yes, I think that doodles are VERY smart dogs - and I completely agree... all these beyond wonderful things that I was told about Rocky - they WERE true - but as soon as he got over here and got comfy - he tried out all of his tricks on us - lol.  DOn't get me wrong - he has NEVER been bad - but things like "He never gets up on the furniture" - well he's tried it all out over here - lol.  But what was so funny was that for probably the first month - he never did ANYTHING like that... but then one day it was like - hey - these people love me - let's see if maybe THEY will let me nap on the couch!  HA!  And honestly - we wouldn't really care - but since he was already trained to stay off the furniture - we just reiterated it - "Get down Rocky" - and he does.  And as far as being licked - welll we don't mind doggy kisses.  We'd love to get together over the summer - I think I'm going to get Rocky a wading pool for the backyard... so maybe Zane can come play!  Can I ask where you have your dogs groomed?  We are trying out Trendy Tailz next week for the first time!  It's in Atascocita. I hope your grandaugther is doing all right... ?

At 9:09pm on March 18, 2011, Susan and Sasha said…

Welcome to DoodleKisses...

It's a great place to learn all about Doodles and to meet new friends!

There are lots of take a look and join the ones you like best...

We hope you love it here as much as we do!

At 2:27pm on March 15, 2011, Nancie & Gracie Doodle said…

Welcome to DoodleKisses!



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