Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Tanya Ezekiel
  • Female
  • New York, NY
  • United States
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Tanya Ezekiel's Friends

  • Jill Crovitz
  • Noble Vestal Labradoodles

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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Australian Labradoodle. Chocolate Brown
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Great personality, non-shedding, and very bright.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
walking and snuggling
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Biscuits & Bath
Favorite Doodle Products?
Bully Sticks
Relationship Status:

Comment Wall (13 comments)

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At 6:11am on March 18, 2009, Susan Eby said…
Hi Tanya,
I clearly don't check my home page often enough! Sorry to have missed your message. We're also on the UWS and hang out primarily at the Great Lawn (mornings) and the AMNH dog run (mid-day). Don;t think I remember meeting Matilda but would love to get together!

At 1:02pm on January 9, 2009, Noble Vestal Labradoodles said…
Tanya, look at her feet! they are getting big!
At 10:37am on December 12, 2008, Jessica Forsythe said…
HI Tanya, your Labradoodle is soooo cute! What breeder did you use?
At 7:20pm on November 5, 2008, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Edit Photos
Hi & Welcome. Check out the Chocolate Doodle Group
At 3:00pm on November 2, 2008, Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle said…
Glad to help; that's what we're all here for! Glad to hear that Matilda is doing better now; Kendra's great!
At 1:21pm on November 2, 2008, sandy b said…
We got him from a breeder in Florida - Tampa Bay Labradoodles.He was born July 25. Mom is a mini, dad is a medium but I think Max is going to be a large medium, he's already 15 lbs!! How big is Mattie? Are you having any problems with nipping? I started in home training almost 3 wks ago and can really tell a difference plus it's really interesting to watch him change almost daily. We haven't had a puppy in over 15 yrs so have forgot what puppyhood is like.
At 12:56pm on November 2, 2008, sandy b said…
Hi Tanya,
Matilda is a little sweetie. We have a chocolate doodle too - Maxwell, we call him Max. He's 4 mths old. I just added some pics of him - his dark color is hard to photograph so I'm practicing. Already received some great photography advice from doodlekisses. Great place to be.
At 9:08am on November 2, 2008, Marcia Stevens said…
Hi Tanya,
I saw your chat about your doodles eye this morning...about 2 weeks ago one of my doodles (Kodie) woke up with her eye stuck together, and lots of greenies in the eye...well, the next day my other doodle woke up with the same thing.....I called my vet, and he said it sounded like a conjunctivitis....and, will usually go away in a few days, and to just keep the eye clean with some warm water on a wash cloth. Well, in about 3 days they were both fine..! He said it could be from another dog, or an allergy. I did have them groomed a day before Kodie got, either something got into their eyes from the bath, or dirty grooming brushes...? Hope this helps!
At 3:47pm on October 19, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…

At 8:25am on October 19, 2008, Adina P said…
Your pup is simply adorable...welcome Tanya!


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