Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jen, Lachlan, and Declan
  • Female
  • Richland, WA
  • United States
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Jen, Lachlan, and Declan's Friends

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  • LeAnn & Loki Doodle
  • Jen and Annie
  • Michelle Motorola
  • Lorrie W.
  • Janie, Jackson and Jilly
  • Lauren & Buddy
  • Rose Ann and Amante
  • Rachel and Ollie
  • Jess and Pippin
  • Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau
  • Jennifer,Chloe & Myla
  • Karina

Jen, Lachlan, and Declan's Discussions

Lachlan had emergency surgery - UPDATE

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona May 14, 2012. 35 Replies

Poor Boo wasn't feeling well yesterday afternoon so I loaded him up and off to the emergency hospital we went. (I wish I could say I'd gotten around to sorting out insurance for these guys, and…Continue

How a Dog's Brain Works

Started this discussion. Last reply by Jennifer,Chloe & Myla Mar 8, 2012. 16 Replies

Ayuh, I think that's pretty accurate!Continue

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Jen, Lachlan, and Declan's Page

Latest Activity

Jen, Lachlan, and Declan replied to Karla and Lincoln's discussion Motion sickness in the group Puppy Madness
"Lachlan was like this when I brought him home at 9 weeks but eventually grew out of it. As soon as he was able (had all of his vaccinations), I planted his wee butt on the (well-covered) front seat of my car ... something I hate to do, but it really…"
Apr 21, 2019

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Profile Information

About Me:
I'm one of those people who, when faced with an "About Me", goes completely blank!

Lessee ... I'm in my second career, a software engineer, after 17 years as a dog groomer/trainer. I developed RSI in both shoulders from so many years grooming and woke up one morning to realize that I couldn't groom for a living any longer but had no other real marketable job skills other than "y'want fries with that?"

I looked around at my options and trotted off to college to discover my inner nerd. My dog at the time was a wonderful Border Collie, and when I lost him a few years ago it was the first time in my life I was dog-less but I had things I needed to do before I could feel ready to bring another dog into my life buy a house, have the yard fenced properly, stuff like that. Until now all of my dogs have been adult rescues and I really wanted a puppy this time and I wanted to be properly prepared for it.

Poor wee Lachlan is my very first puppy and we're both still a bit bemused, looking at each other with a mutual "right, now what do I do with this?!" expression, but I'm having an absolute blast with him despite averaging one "what was I thinking?" moment a day.

Declan joined us nearly a year later. He's genetically Lachlan's full brother (same parents, 9 months apart).
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Lachlan and Declan are Goldendoodles but more Golden than Poodle. Their dad is also a Goldendoodle, F1, but mom is a Golden Retriever. Lach was born on December 6, 2010 and Dec on September 26 2011.

Pixel, the resident feline, came to me just before Christmas 2010 on the same day that I lost my old cat of 16 years. He was 7 months and had been at the local shelter since he was 2 weeks old. We joke that he's really a Border Collie with extra spiky bits because he definitely behaves more like a dog than a cat, even playing fetch and tug.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Breeder, Rehome
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I was originally looking specifically for a Golden Retriever or a Standard Poodle, having narrowed my breed search down to those two specifically for their temperaments. I hadn't even considered a Goldendoodle until a friend pointed me at a breeder's website, so I started researching and very much liked what I found. Most important to me was getting a healthy puppy and this breeder was doing pretty well in the health-testing department.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Right now I think the answer is laugh, although they both seem to think it's "remove random stuff from doodle mouths." I love just spending time with them, watching them grow and develop and learn.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do. I was a professional groomer for 17 years. Poor fellas didn't have a chance.
Favorite Doodle Products?
Bully sticks, elk antlers, stuffed leg bones, anything they'll chew on that isn't drywall or furniture.
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

Jen, Lachlan, and Declan's Videos

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Jen, Lachlan, and Declan's Blog

Cat Tree

Posted on July 31, 2014 at 6:33pm 12 Comments

Me: Lachlan, ummmmm, what are you doing?

Lachlan: Napping, duh.

Me: You do know that you're surrounded by more-comfortable places to nap, right?

Lachlan: M'comfortable. Shut up.

Me: You're stuck, aren't you?

Lachlan: Well ... yeah, a bit.

Me: Would you like a hand getting down?

Lachlan: If you…


Happy Birthday, Declan!

Posted on September 14, 2012 at 12:58pm 20 Comments

(Warning: Severe sappiness ahead!)

Happy Birthday, my sweet, evil, Monkey-Boy Kangaroo-B^tt Decky-Ducky-Doggie.

I remember like it was yesterday bringing you home, a ragged bundle of fear covered with every possible bodily effluent all tangled up in dirt and burrs, dropping you in the tub and soaping you up while you peered up at me with those big expressive eyes asking, "Is it okay? Is it okay?" Toweling you off and seeing your beautiful red curls for the first time while…


Just a Short Update (pun intended)

Posted on March 18, 2012 at 1:17pm 18 Comments

This was grooming weekend for the boys. Declan got a bath and blow-dry and his important bits trimmed (or shaved, as appropriate), his ears flushed and his nails trimmed. Dec loooooves being groomed. When it's Lach's turn I have to peel Dec off the table because he wants a turn NOW! If I'm just doing ears and feet they both get on the table together. Just as well I have a big, sturdy table.

Lachlan ... poof, he's a Saluki? *grin* Lach's coat is so bloody thick it's almost impossible…


One of these things ...

Posted on February 3, 2012 at 2:26pm 30 Comments

... is not like the others!

No, I didn't get another puppy, I swear!

So here's the story - I have a neighbor, lovely woman, who has a husband and an indeterminate number of children (I think there are three boys, but wouldn't swear to it). This neighbor is a fairly recent immigrant from India, where dogs aren't generally pets, and is terrified of…


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At 4:16pm on November 27, 2014, Rae said…
Jen, I certainly understand! I'll remove you from the membership. Check the groups again next year around the first week in November when then new group will be established. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving and Holiday Season.

At 2:36pm on November 26, 2014, Rae said…
Hi! I really hate being a pest and I'm sure you are really busy but I need your address so I can get you on the mailing list for the Holiday Card Exchange before the deadline. Please go to our Group 2014 Holiday Card Exchange and the to the Discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE and enter your address. I really would feel bad if you miss out on this fun project! Thanks.... Rae
At 8:24pm on November 8, 2014, Rae said…
Hi! Please go into the 2014 Holiday Card Exchange Group and then to the Discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE and enter your address so I can get you on the mailing list. Thanks!
At 9:23pm on December 23, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Jen, love, love, love your card!  Should get a prize for the "most original" and "all" your babies look so darling in the line up! I think they are innocent:)  Merry Christmas and have a great New Year!

At 5:59pm on December 23, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

Jen, I love your Santa card. How creative and I love the lineup. LOL They all look innocent to me. Have a Happy Holiday!

At 6:05pm on November 3, 2013, Rae said…
Hi... Please go back into the Holiday Card Exchange group and then into the discussion ADDRESSES GO HERE and enter your address so you won't miss out on the fun card exchange! Thanks
At 6:22pm on August 12, 2013, Bonnie and Kona said…

Happy Birthday, Jen! I hope those two doodles cover you in doodlekisses today and fill your heart with love.

At 1:32pm on August 12, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 6:18am on August 12, 2013, Sheila & Finnley said…


Hope it's a wonderful day !

Best wishes from Sheila too !

At 10:35am on July 5, 2013, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Jen, you rock.   Thank you so much. I will forward all this information on to him.

Sadly, this great college department was disbanded. Where he once got support, he is on his own to finish his degree and find his own internship.

It appears though, that with this degree, he will do many many internships ( 6months to a year) but at least they are paid, he can travel like he wants, and get all that experience in many areas. 

P.S. The Wellness Food is a huge hit for this picky cat.   Sadly though, her fur is starting to point up. You know that look....?  Like she is not healthy.  Sad, as I have both her and her sister, both 17.  She was the healthy kitten of the two.  The other limps with arthritis and I dont let her jump. I have stools and boxes all over to encourage her to take those to higher ground. She misses her jumps  :(   But, the one I complained about, with the insatiable eating... something is wrong.    We are debating vet invasive  treatment at this time.  I will give her a few more days on this food to see if she comes back around. 

Thanks though, Wellness Rocks!



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