Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Frannie & Callie
  • Female
  • Atlanta, GA
  • United States
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Frannie & Callie's Friends

  • Charlie
  • Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty
  • Becky & Sheeba
  • Charlie De Gregorio
  • Taylor & Huff
  • Ricki and Tara (doodle)
  • Suzann, Rosey & Bandit
  • Hillary & Charlie
  • Ronna, Murphy & Wilson
  • William
  • Shawn & Bella
  • Tara L P
  • Coach Veazey, Roberta, and Coach
  • Deborah & Emmett Vaughan
  • Mandy  Dean

Frannie & Callie's Discussions

Is your "grown up" doodle good ALL the time?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Bonnie and Kona Feb 6, 2012. 39 Replies

I don't think it's a big secret that I think Callie hung the moon. She's adorable, sweet, loving, and snuggly all the time and good...most of the time. There are a few things that I know are training…Continue

Does your doodle lick random objects?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sherri, Sophie, Winston, & Kitty Jan 16, 2012. 11 Replies

Lately, I've been noticing that Callie licks everything. She of course gives me lots of kisses, and is much given to licking my sleeve or pants leg. Now, she's licking the edge of the coffee table,…Continue


Started this discussion. Last reply by Andrea Johnston Jul 8, 2011. 53 Replies

Nearly two weeks later...Lucy got hungry enough to enter one of the (humane) traps. Morgan from Forgotten Paws rescue here in the Atlanta area lent us her trap, so we were able to set up two. She…Continue

Subway and BET vote Michael Vick "Sportsman of the Year"

Started this discussion. Last reply by Maryann,Roo and Tigger Jul 1, 2011. 25 Replies

I'm not a big sandwich eater in general, and an infrequent BET watcher (I do love the Monique Show)  but Subway and BET have officially created an ambassador of ill will. …Continue


Frannie & Callie's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
My doodle is named Callie and she is probably a black goldendoodle. Or a black labradoodle. Mostly I think she looks like a muppet, so I call her "Furry Monster" or "The Callinator". I'm constantly amazed by how adorable she is.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
While it was important to me to rescue, I still had a laundry list of what I was looking for in a dog, and low-shed topped the list. I really hit the jackpot with Callie - she sheds very little (mostly tumbleweeds on the floor), doesn't bark at all, and never met someone (human or canine) that she didn't instantly love.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Snuggle, go to the dog park, play stair ball, play with her BFF Louie the shih-tzu, hang out and be cute.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
The Pet Gallery on Collier Rd - they are FABULOUS. I did trim her face myself for her holiday card photo and it turned out pretty well.
Favorite Doodle Products?
I broke down and got a Les Pooches brush and it really is very good!!! Otherwise faves are antlers, marrow bones, tennis balls, squeaky tennis balls and q-tips stolen from the trash.
Relationship Status:

Frannie & Callie's Blog

Catching Up With Luna Foster Doodle

Posted on February 5, 2012 at 8:13am 18 Comments

Well, Luna continues to be prove herself to be one of the sweetest doodles I've ever fostered. She certainly still has her issues...and lots of them...but I definitely see small pockets of progress. 

On January 16th, Luna started her heartworm treatment. She'd been on doxycycline for five weeks prior to that initial injection. Luna is my first heartworm positive dog and I just didn't know what to expect. Would she be in pain? (yes, a bit - it's a large, deep injection) Would…


Luna Foster Doodle

Posted on January 3, 2012 at 4:07pm 20 Comments

Luna came into the DRC rescue program with her (suspected) sister Stella (and they are aptly named...these dogs will be someone's moon and stars!). I of course don't know what happened in their 2+ years beforehand, but some horrible person did a real number on these girls. I had both Stella and Luna for about a month and while Stella is more outgoing and less fearful than Luna, she still had some anxiety issues and was overly protective of Luna. Stella is now being fostered by Eric Nater…


Hello Again, DK Friends!

Posted on January 1, 2012 at 8:56pm 21 Comments

Hi All! I've been off of DK for a while, but got so many sweet holiday messages that I wanted to post a quick (it's me, so quick AND wordy!) blog entry to catch y'all up! I've missed my DK "family", but sometimes life just gets in the way!

So, back towards the end of June, I got a foster named Lucy. Poor Lucy was scared of everything (especially me) and she ran away about an hour after I got her back to my house. Needless to say, the two weeks she was missing were among the…


Yankee Doodle joined his forever family!!! (cross-post from DRC)

Posted on May 2, 2011 at 7:19am 14 Comments

On Sunday, Yankee Doodle was adopted by a lovely couple in Villa Rica, GA. Wanda and Don lost their beloved pug, Dixie, a little over a year ago and decided they were ready to take the "plunge" and get another dog. They were drawn to Yankee for several reasons...their son has a labradoodle and they liked the breed, Wanda is a "Yankee" herself, Yankee doodle is on the small side, and they wanted a scruffy (more wiry) coated dog. On my part, I liked that they were experienced dog owners (and…


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At 8:40am on August 17, 2013, Laurie, Fudge, and Vern said…

At 6:15pm on December 23, 2011, F, Calla & Luca said…

Just thinking of you. Hope you are having a happy Hanukah and best wishes for a healthy, happy New year. I haven't "seen" you of late, hope all's well.

At 4:39pm on November 12, 2011, Charlie said…

Hi Frannie, do I understand correctly from your website that you foster? We are looking for another doodle angel to join our family. Can you help with the what/who/where etc.? We live north of Atlanta. Hope you can help. Thanks!

At 6:34am on August 17, 2011, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 5:28pm on July 10, 2011, Linda, Webber and Seda said…
Frannie, how is Lucy doing?
At 12:32pm on July 07, 2011, Jane, Guinness and Murphy gave Frannie & Callie a gift
At 6:02pm on June 23, 2011, Linda, Webber and Seda said…
Never mind.  I found your number.  See you tomorrow :-)
At 5:30pm on June 23, 2011, Linda, Webber and Seda said…
Frannie, I am supposed to bring a doodle to you tomorrow and have not been given your contact information.  Can you DK email me your phone number?
At 12:49pm on June 13, 2011, Jane, Rooney & Stuart said…
Hey Frannie - what is the ALT?  I got Stuart from Adopt A Golden Atlanta.  They weren't bad - just charging a very high adoption fee - which I knew.  But then puppies had Coccidia and they were on meds for that but when I took Stuart straight to a vet - they found he had Giardia.  Ick.  Good thing I didn't know about all of the ahead of time or I would have passed.  But he is a little love bug and we hope on the way to getting healthy.
At 8:53am on May 17, 2011, Dan, Judi, & Timbow said…
Hey!!! I drove by the dog park the other day and thought of you!! How are you and Callie? We need to get together soon!


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