Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I'm not a big sandwich eater in general, and an infrequent BET watcher (I do love the Monique Show)  but Subway and BET have officially created an ambassador of ill will.


(I also call TOTAL BS on Subway not having a say in the decision)


I know sports lovers are "over" Michael Vick's dog fighting days, but I'm not. I'm a dog lover and my memory is long.

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"I do not think white collar crimes are okay by any stretch however, crimes when one human being inflicts torture, pain, and harm to another living thing is in a whole other category..."


Yes, I agree Jennifer. I feel that someone who has comitted fraud, theft, things like that is totally different than someone who has comitted a violent crime that hurts another. Any human that can inflict torture and death on another person or creature, especially FOR PLEASURE, is someone that can't ever be trusted in my book. Vick went to prison for a few years. Do I think that that time erased the sick part of his personality that enjoyed abusing animals? NOOO. 


I agree that people should be allowed to come back into society, get jobs, have a second chance. But I don't think that we should be expected to forget what someone did. ESPECIALLY when it was a violent/cruel crime.

My two cents - probably not worth even that but:

1)Michael Vick should not be getting any awards.  He needs to do a lot more work making up for his evil cruelty even if it was in another arena.  There is a whole bunch of good stuff he could do to atone and a whole bunch of PR people who could make sure we all knew he wanted to 'make it right.'  It hasn't happened.

2) Subway may not have picked him, but they better use their PR people to distance themselves even further than 'we probably won't sponsor this again'  namby pamby %&$#.   I am boycotting Subway.

3) Famous people get second chances and normal ones do not.  This is not fair.  Life isn't fair, but it is still hard to swallow.  In today's computer age, no one has any privacy and previous mistakes are very hard to live down, even when they are juvenile ones.

I agree, he'a a disgusting person in my mind so yeah, it bothers me that he's even more popular now. Second chances are given to some but not all and I think this is a huge problem in our world. I just don't like even hearing his name anymore.
Anyone, such as Vick who would get pleasure out of doing this to defenseless animals is rotten to the core and does not deserve a second chance. He should be rotting in jail not playing football or being spokesman for anything. It really boils me that someone can be so easily forgiven because he is a celebirty. He's nothing but a common criminal, just below murderers, child abusers and molesters. There are some who do deserve second chances, Vick is not one of them.
I totally agree with you, Frannie.  Our culture has learned to forgive and forget too quickly and I think it's disgusting.  Prison is not for rehabilitation, it's for PUNISHMENT!  I'm a high school teacher and can confidently say that we are raising a generation of indifferent human beings. So few people care (or even know) about any issues beyond their own limited view of the world.  We are so afraid of insulting anyone that we can't hold grudges, even when it's well-deserved.  Well, I'm holding a grudge and will not be eating Subway anymore (lol not like I ate their crappy sandwiches to begin with...sorry I couldn't resist).
tee hee. crappy sandwiches.
I will never eat a Subway again...  In fact, I am writing that company today to make my feelings known.  However, I am afraid that they are catering to get the business of a certain segment of the population who do not hold animals in as high esteem as I do...

I just sent the Subway Corporation an email stating, "There is a rumor going around that Subway has chosen football player and dog murderer, Michael Vick, as Sportsman of the Year.  Is this true?"


I will share the reply, if any from Subway with Doodlekisses (and every other dog friendly organization that I know of).  I have an email listing of most of the breed clubs and rescue organizations in the U.S.A....

Keep us posted on their response!

I emailed Subway asking if the rumor that they supported Vick for Sportsman of the Year...


As promised, I am providing the text of Subway's reply to me and my response to that reply.


Dear Mr. Crowe:

Thank you for taking the time to write to us about your concern with our sponsorship of the Sportsman of the Year award on Black Entertainment Television (BET) recently.We understand your position on this and empathize with you. We can assure you that we had no prior knowledge of the award winners. As sponsors of the BET program we were simply showing our support for the outstanding achievements of African Americans.  We certainly do not support what Michael Vick did or condone cruelty or abuse to pets in anyway. BET has issued the following statement, “Winners of The BET Awards Sportsman & Sportswoman of The Year are chosen by BET with input from an independent panel and our viewers. The selection of the nominees and category winners goes through a control process which is not influenced by BET or its advertisers. As an entitled sponsor of the BET Awards  Sportsman & Sportswoman of The Year, Subway bears no responsibility or control  over the selection of the winners and in no way is associated with Michael Vick. As a sponsor, Subway’s only association is with the Sportsman & Sportswoman of The Year Award itself.”We can assure you that we will work to better evaluate our future advertising and promotional opportunities in the future.Thank you for your input and for taking the time to write.

Sincerely,   Rosemary Crispin

Customer Care Representative


Ms. Crispin:

I frankly regard your response as less than candid and I will never again eat at Subway. I promise that I will do all that I can to apprise your de facto support of this horrible monster to the very great number of breed club and rescue organizations of the United States with whom I am in contact..

Richard Crowe


This is just the first of many communications I will have with rescue and breed clubs.  Please make your own choice.



There are so many people who have never done anything but good.  Why not honor them?  Why choose anyone to give national acclaim  to, and "sportsman of the year"  for Michael Vick - really.

Athletes, actors and other celebrities, in my mind, should keep their behavior shiny clean.  They are role models whether they want to be or not, it comes with the big money, and acclaim.  Michael Vick deserves no further recognition for anything, unless he suddenly donates all his money and time to a worhwhile cause for the remainder of his life.

But that's just me.




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