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Murph and Me
  • Brooklyn, NY
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Murph and Me's Discussions

So far a great toy

Started this discussion. Last reply by Karen C Jun 9, 2017. 3 Replies

So I'm always looking for a toy that Murphy will like and not destroy in 15 minutes. He like to chase balls and thank goodness the local HS lacrosse team is too lazy to dig out the balls that go into…Continue

Fireworks, How does your dog behave with them?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sue, Murphy and Bella ()*o*() Jul 1, 2015. 16 Replies

The Murph is coming to his worst week of the year. Since last year he simply cannot stand the noise from fireworks. I have tried to get him used to the noise via clips from the computer but the real…Continue

Rabbit in a box for a happy dog.

Started this discussion. Last reply by Judy, Meg & Polly Wolly Doodle Dec 30, 2014. 2 Replies

So Santa came a little late, but man did he bring a fun toy for me and the dog. It came in the mail and was waiting for me tonight when I got home. What is it?, Its a Lure chasing machine. Basically…Continue

My Muddy Dog

Started this discussion. Last reply by Murph and Me Oct 7, 2013. 9 Replies

So it seems that every time I take the dog out for a walk he will find a way to get dirty. I do not take him on the "concrete"walks as the Mrs does. I take him through the parks meeting dogs, chasing…Continue

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Bonnie and Kona replied to Murph and Me's discussion Fatty deposit in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Kona has had fatty deposits since he was about 1 1/2. He has a huge one on his side. It has been checked several times. Once it was infected. Other than that he is a lumpy guy now at age 12. They are lipoma. "
May 20, 2019
J and Riley (and Luna) replied to Murph and Me's discussion Fatty deposit in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Luna had one, so did my Bichon (who lived to almost 19 years old, she had lots).  Didn't seem to bother them so we left them alone. I actually have some too and so does my DH, they are quite common even in people.  I get mine removed…"
May 20, 2019
Nancie & Gracie Doodle replied to Murph and Me's discussion Fatty deposit in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"GracieDoodle had fatty deposits and whenever we had teeth cleaned, while under, I had them removed.  She had a large one on her chest and as it got bigger she would press on it when she would lay down with her legs out straight.  We…"
May 20, 2019
Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle replied to Murph and Me's discussion Fatty deposit in the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)
"Many, many of our doodles have or have had lipomas, which are benign harmless fatty tumors. It sounds like that's what Murphy has, and if so, your vet is correct that it is absolutely no big deal. They do often get bigger, and sometimes…"
May 20, 2019
Murph and Me added a discussion to the group Health and Medical Issues (for our pets)

Fatty deposit

So Murphy has on his stomach some fatty deposit that the Vet has checked in the past and said no big deal he said. It has gotten bigger of late. It feels like a small balloon. Does not bother him when you squish it around. I'm going to bring him in for another checkup of it. I trust the vet but it doesn't hurt to ask here in the group if anyone has had any history with a similar situation. and if so what did you do about it. Thanks in advance.See More
May 20, 2019

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
The Murph
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
No shedding
No allergies
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Drink beer.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Coors Light
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Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 6:50pm on May 25, 2013, a.k.a. Rodney said…
Inquiry> Were you with Murph this afternoon (Saturday May 25) on 16th Street& 5 th Ave?
At 1:56pm on May 14, 2013, Marnie, Stanlee's Mom said…

....even though we're drinkers of Bud and Penguin fans......DON'T BE HATIN'!

At 1:55pm on May 14, 2013, Marnie, Stanlee's Mom said…

Welcome to DK - hope to see many more videos of The Murph!

At 12:34pm on April 23, 2013, Lynette Main said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses. This is a great site for Doodle info. and wonderful pictures of everyones Doodles.. Have fun. Coors Light here too.

At 7:04am on April 21, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses!  Enjoy this wonderful site with the best information ever on Doodles and everyone is very helpful!  Check out the groups and discussions, they are amazing and lots of fun too!  I love the pictures you have already posted and Murph is adorable!

At 7:13pm on April 20, 2013, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

Welcome! This is a great place to learn/share about doodles. There are many groups that you can join. For example, there are groups for grooming, nutrition, health/medical, types of doodles, puppy groups etc. Look at the top of your page and click on Groups - check them out. Enjoy!



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