Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Andee @ Canyon Court Australian Labradoodles
  • Bonita, California
  • United States
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Andee @ Canyon Court Australian Labradoodles's Friends

  • Babbie R. Holden
  • Wren Owens
  • Heather Hale
  • April Cliber
  • Noble Vestal Labradoodles
  • Rochelle Woods
  • Jacque Reynolds
  • Adina P


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Canyon Court Australian Labradoodles ~ Andee ~

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Profile Information

About Me:
I love labradoodles so much I breed them! :D

I became an Australian Labradoodle breeder because I love the idea of creating an allergy friendly dog that can be used as a service companion.

Genetics is fascinating!
I also love genealogy (kinship terms rock!). I am an Anthropologist at heart.
Behaviorism and (child) development are favorite subjects of mine, and all of these interests just seem to flow together in working with Labradoodles.

I have always been a photographer.
Labradoodles are the best dogs to photograph!

Did I mention that I also love comedians? :D

Being surrounded by Labradoodles is my own relaxant. :D
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have Australian Labradoodles of all sizes and colors.
Our first dood is our pet F1B, named Murray. He is a huge over-sized apricot dood with a fleece coat.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We love Labs and Poodles and have some allergy issues in our family, so we understand the need for allergy friendly coats.

I was motivated by Paradise Labradoodles in Hawaii to breed Australian Labradoodles, so that we can donate puppies to autistic children as therapy dogs.
The labradoodles' gentle nature makes them ideal service animals for working with children.

Doods offer us the possibility of taking some great breeds and making them better!! :D
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Walk, throw the ball, and just petting their furry heads.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
We do. (Okay, mostly Eric does it!)
Favorite Doodle Products?
Our Doodles' favorite product is the Kong medium sized football.
They "kill" the squeeze toy part in about 30 minutes. But they hang on to that ball all day long, just waiting for one of us to throw it!

The doods also like to play together with a soft toy or with a ball. Our doodpack play a nightly "keep away" game with each other and some favorite toy.

Bully Sticks are loved as well. :D
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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At 11:09am on August 26, 2008, Andee @ Canyon Court Australian Labradoodles said…
Hi Ann,

Aww what a bummer. That's funny that you hate AI. I, too, prefer nartural, so we drove my girl up to Hale's to be bred. Now, we have to repeat the breeding, I was thinking of AI next time! But, maybe not. I can't decide.
My Butterfly is a small medium, but the stud was a mini, so maybe he couldn't reach well. :D

I was ready to keep one of the puppies as a future breeder (I was mating one of my more poodle-y ALs with a F3 Cocker), plus I had even sold one already and had to return that deposit. Sigh. And then there is the stud fee that I put on a credit card!

My standard female was in heat last week, so hopefully we have some pups on the way. But, I was really looking forward to minis. I have never had minis.
At 4:01pm on August 18, 2008, Tamara & Giada said…
Beautiful page and pictures:)
At 9:48am on August 9, 2008, Andee @ Canyon Court Australian Labradoodles said…
This was my mom's house, we bought it from her, and I always hated the tile in the kitchen and family-room parts of our house (it's beautiful, but gives me shin splints).
We do get good use out of the tile now! The dogs pretty much own the half of the house that is tile floor. Still I wish she had put in Bamboo flooring, anything wood would be much softer.

I dream of turning our deck into a big indoor area where the kids and dogs can play. I probably have a lot of litters to go before I can pay for that though! (Especially when Butterfly doesn't have any puppies!)
At 9:41am on August 9, 2008, April Cliber said…
I vacuum twice a day! I REALLY want hard wood floors. Hopefully in a couple of litters. I have mostly golden retrievers, so have to keep the hair picked up. It's no easy task.
At 8:15pm on August 1, 2008, April Cliber said…
Hi Andee,
Welcome to Doodle Kisses! I love your pictures!
At 10:15am on August 1, 2008, Jacque Reynolds said…
Hi Andee!
What gorgeous dogs you have! And what a lovely family and home.
I hope that we can meet someday...I love my doodle friends!
At 6:33am on August 1, 2008, Valerie said…
What a dream to breed them! Welcome!
At 3:12pm on July 31, 2008, Adina P said…
Welcome Canyon Court! Hope you enjoy your stay here! Check out our Breeder Group as well (Jacque is in charge, but if you request an invite, I'll let you in). Also don't forget to invite your puppy families over's a fun place =)


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