Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Jackie L'Heureux
  • Female
  • Falls Church, VA
  • United States
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  • Beth and Gang
  • Joe R.

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Profile Information

About Me:
Family Therapist, writer and lecturer on behalf of services for returning vets.
I take more time to play now.
I don't just love all dogs. I love a dog that is part of a family. My sons are grown and all over the place. Spencer and I are a family now.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have a little boy--five months and a total movie star! He needs more puppies to play with, though. I raised my golden retrievers with my sons in a big house. This little guy just has me in a condo.He's about 25 lbs and not supposed to be more than 30 full-grown. I have my fingers crossed.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I knew the golden retriever part from having them with my boys earlier and I had been following the doodle craze, reading about the mix. They are such lovers--but definitely higher energy as puppies than I had been led to believe.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Waking him up in the morning--he is soooo cute with his yoga stretch, taking him to the puppy park in Shirlington, VA., and actually training him---he's soooooo smart and he wants to please so much.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I wash him weekly, brush him daily and he is professionally groomed once a month.
Favorite Doodle Products?
leash with a little rubberized give in the lead--easier on shoulders for a woman while training exhuberant little doodles to walk
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
http://jacquelinelheureux@gmail. com

Comment Wall (22 comments)

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At 5:14am on June 24, 2009, Tricia, Shiloh, Fenway & Tessie said…
A lot of people continue to use the crate for the dog's whole life. I have 2 boys, they are 1yr old and 7 months old...I feel I could trust the older one to be out of his crate at night or during the day when we aren't home....but he LIKES his crate and I think he feels it is his place, security, all that stuff. The younger one is a chewer, I couldn't trust that he would be able to leave everything alone if he had the run of the house at night or while we are gone. So, both of mine stay in their crates at night or if we have to be gone. Sometimes they go in there on their own if they want some quiet time (with the door open). I guess the main point I wanted to make is that Spencer might really like having a place in the house that is just for him, even if the door stays open. So I would get the one size bigger crate to have for always (you can sell your current one on craigslist or something.
At 12:27am on June 24, 2009, Steve Drury said…
Hi Jackie,
We are empty nesters who also had a golden when are kids were younger.
I seem to be in the extreme minority but we have never used crates for our dogs. We used a 4 x 4 exercise pen with Daisy. This was the first time we had ever done anything like that. But with kids gone and no pets for over 5 years, we have nicer "stuff" now than we did years ago.
But we only used the pen until she was thoroughly housebroken or when we were out of the house.
When she had been here about 30 days---about 13 weeks old---she had not had a nighttime accident in two weeks so we let her start sleeping in our bedroom. She sleeps on an old folded quilt on the floor near my wife's side of the bed. Until she was about 7 or 8 months old we closed the bedroom door so she couldn't sneak off and get in trouble. She would jump up with two paws on the bed and put her face in our face to wake us up if she needed to go out.
For the last several months she has had the run of the house at night as well as during the day when we're home.
Because we knew we were going to be getting another puppy, we have been confining her to the kitchen / family room area when we go out. We didn't want her to receive and then when the puupy arrived lose whole house priveleges while we were out.
Once the new puppy is satisfactorily trained, they will both have the run of the house all the time.
Is your guy thoroughly housebroken? or is he a chewer? Is there a reason you feel you can't trust him? Or does the fact that so many other doodlers crate their dogs lead you to think it's a "best practice" in raising your dog?
As I mentioned, we used a pen this time only for our own convenience during training. When training all our other dogs over the years they were limited only by closing doors to limit their access.
At 10:19am on May 5, 2009, Joe R. said…
Hey Jackie, Go to and click on the "groups". Type in dcdoodles and it will take you to there. You'll have to join, but it's free.
At 11:56pm on May 4, 2009, Maryann,Roo and Tigger said…
My black doodle, Roo, is 18 months and probably grown at 45 pounds. Tigger is 1 year old tomorrow and about 35 pounds. Smaller dogs would probably have been better, but this was as small as my husband was willing to go. We have had Siberian Huskies ( about 60 pounds) for 40 years. I knew that there was no way I could any longer manage a husky through training. I wash my doods in the walk-in shower, which works okay, it just means I have to be willing to get wet all over also. Both of mine have gone through the horrible matting stage and been clipped. I am managing to keep Roo at about two inches with every six week grooming. Tigger just had his matted mess of puppy fur and adult hair shaved. He is not as curly so I may be able to keep him longer. I can't upload pictures without my daughter's help or I would show you how they look! Thanks for writing back
At 12:23am on May 4, 2009, Maryann,Roo and Tigger said…

I noticed on a post in puppy madness I think that you have serious joint problems from a car accident. I commend you for taking on a puppy! I have serious muscle/ligament problems from two compromised discs in my back. I was so determined to have another puppy when our last old dog died. I was so glad a got one, I got another 8 months later! They have brought joy to my life everyday, which isn't always easy when you live with pain to a greater or lesser extent. How do you wash your doodle? Do you lift into the tub or sink or wash him in the shower or outside. Lifting my doodles can be a big issue for me. Also where do you brush him - on the floor?
At 4:13pm on May 1, 2009, Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY said…
At 8:56am on April 29, 2009, Janie said…
My pleasure...have a great day!
At 4:54pm on April 28, 2009, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…
I think the grooming group is really informative. Many doodles need lots of grooming and there are brushes, shampoos etc. that many find work really well with doodles who mat. (like my little guy). You might enjoy the empty nesters since it sounds like your sons are grown. There are also groups that are for your specific doodle type. If your dood is going to stay small there is a mini/medium group and groups for your dood's color. There is a food group, the CLark Pearson Fan Club (that is Adina, the site creator's hubby) and even a group with jokes. Check them out and see if any of them interest you. The more stuff you check out the more you will learn.
At 4:54pm on April 28, 2009, Beth and Gang said…
You are right, these dogs ARE family, they move into our homes and right into our hearts, Jackie.
At 9:18am on April 27, 2009, GBK said…
glittering welcome
Have a great time viewing all the fabulous Doodles and great people here on DoodleKisses!


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