Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Nicole Ehlert
  • Female
  • Kenosha, WI
  • United States
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Nicole Ehlert's Friends

  • Glenn and Beth M
  • Kai Doodle (Kathy & Keith)
  • Heather Goines
  • Tammy & Gracie
  • Deena Womack
  • Ginny Nightingale
  • Janie
  • Jacquie Yorke (DRC)
  • Debbie, Brianna and Duncan
  • Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie
  • Karen, Jasper and Jackdoodle
  • Barb, Murphy, Emmet, & Hudson
  • Adina P

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Profile Information

About Me:
My name is Nicole and I am married to a wondeful man named D.J. He is a magician and brings lots of "magic" into our lives! We run a small magic and costume shop here in Kenosha, WI. We have 2 wonderful children (that are spoiled rotten sorry to say) Andrew (15) and Crystal (7). We also have 2 boy miniture Labradoodles and a female standard australian labradoodle. I work part time at the magic shop and full time at home as a homemaker. I am very active in my church. I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was 12 and then I rededicated my life to Him and made Him Lord of my life when I was 28 which was the best desision I ever made in my life! I love that He is center of my life. Did I mention I love dogs especially Doodles! They are just as much a part of my life as my "real" family! Some would say I treat them better than my "real" family! My dogs are my everything to me, they bring me peace and happiness in ways I cannot explain. I am SOOO blessed to have them in my life! Labradoodles are my passion! My dream is to become a breeder so I can bring happiness to others with these wonderful non shedding dogs! Be sure to visit my website at
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have Ruffa which is an FIB minitiure Labradoodle. He is the one pictured on here. I will post one of both of them later. He turned 1 year old on Aug 1st 2008. I got him from a breeder in Ohio. He is Momma's boy, he is the sweetest dog ever! I baby him and take him everywhere I go, even to work! He is never alone for more than acouple hours at a time.
We also just got doodle #2 today! YEAH! We got him from a breeder in Texas. This doodle was a gift strait from God! I have been wanting and praying for another one for months now and then I found him at Cheyenne Valley Labradoodles and Goldendoodles. He is the sweetest little guy too! He is 14 weeks old and is multi gen miniture labradoodle. His name is now Taner! We call him Roo Roo for short! He is golden in color. We also have Chloe our standard Multi Gen Australian Labradoodle breeder girl! She is the biggest angel around! She is not only our breeder-she is one of our kids too just like the other ones!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Becasue my husband is extremly allergic to other dogs and cats. These guys are hypoallergenic! Also, because they have excellent personalities! They are super smart, they love people and other animals and best of all they are super affectionate! They love to snuggle and be loved!
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play with them, watch them play with eachother and snuggle with them!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Sometimes the groomer, sometimes me!
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Comment Wall (31 comments)

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At 8:44am on September 12, 2011, Debbie, Brianna and Duncan said…
Hi Nicole!  I met Harley, one of your mini red pup's this morning...Cutie pie, and what a nice temperament he has!  Good Job, he is a sweetie, and nice family he has too. I was so excited meet another local doodle, and had to ask who his breeder was. :)  Hope all is well, Deb (Brianna and Duncan) 
At 7:03am on November 9, 2010, Linda and "Toby" said…
Hi Nicole! I love your photos! BTW, do you have a website for your magic shop?
At 12:29pm on April 19, 2010, Debbie, Brianna and Duncan said…
Thank you Nicole for yor kindness and wishes...all things concidered, we are doing well. Missed you guys at the romp. Is that a new little one you have? He seems about Brianna size..
At 6:12am on December 28, 2009, Glenn and Beth M said…
I updated my website with some recent pictures of Sam. You may enjoy them. He is quite the little "character".

At 6:27pm on June 3, 2009, Barb, Murphy, Emmet, & Hudson said…
Hi Nicole, thanks for the friend invite! Good luck to you with getting started with breeding.I am a huge doodle nut!!!!! These dog's are the best. Your new girl is she a choc. or a cafe color?
At 8:48pm on May 21, 2009, Debbie, Brianna and Duncan said…
Hi Nicole! I met DJ!! at the school end of the year program. I looked around to see if maybe you where there too !?! Wow what a great show! He is really good!! My girls had a best time. Enjoy the beautiful weekend
At 8:27pm on May 3, 2009, LINDA & TEDDY said…
Hi Nicole,

It was so nice to meet you your little ones and Ruffa and Tanner. I'm glad you had a good time. Let's do it again.
At 8:53am on April 25, 2009, Debbie, Brianna and Duncan said…
Hi Nicole, I am preparing for a rainy/muddy outing. Towels and blankets over car seats and for them on lay on, and I always have a pack of wipes too. I bring a extra pair of shoes to change into for the drive home. Large garbage bag to throw the muddy stuff in after use, and can be easily carried to the washer. I bring a camera/cell phone, so I'm packing that to be carried and water proof. Probably more that I can't think of right now, but...... Do you know what entrance to the highway would work for you? Deb
At 7:50am on April 16, 2009, Janie said…
Thank you,for the complements on my sweethearts. I hope you enjoy doodlekisses as much as I do.
At 11:04am on March 20, 2009, Debbie, Brianna and Duncan said…
Yep, thanks. I sent you an email with my # Have a great weekend too!


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