Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today I received a letter in the mail from one of Shelbys littermates in Houston Texas.  The excitement was overwhelming.   The terms were Bittersweet.  The information was to tell us about the Extremely close call Duffy had!  The letter was titled 'Primor.'  Duffy developed and allergy in January this year.  He was put on a broad spectrum antibiotic also used for bacterial infections. 

Within days he developed bruises all over his body with with bleeding from the nose.  His blood count, red and white blood platelets were dropping quickly.  Rushed to Gulf Coast Vet Specialist in Houston Texas where he spent the better part of two weeks.

Duffy was diagnosed with Thrombocytopenia. 

A Sulfa Drug was used to treat Duffy, which nearly cost him his life, so BEWARE! 

Passed on by Duffy and his Family,  DO RESEARCH, save a life!


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I am so sorry to hear of poor Duffy's reaction to Primor! I hope has had or continues to have a complete recovery.


It sounds like a pretty nasty drug with many side effects! Thanks for posting about it.

Thank you for the information! I hope Duffy continues to have a complete recovery.
I hope Duffy has a full recovery. I hadn't really thought about this in a dog but my daughter had a horrible reaction to a sulfa drug last fall. It set off a hypersensitivity allergy in her that caused an autoimmune disorder and there was my 20 year old daugther with vasculitis (blood vessels inflamming and bursting under the skin) and possible kidney problems. She is finally now just getting back to normal. Those sulfa drugs are nasty and now I realize I need to watch out for them with my Charlie too. Thanks for the information.
I completely agree with you Caitlin.
I agree with what you are saying, it is just an important reminder that when taking any drug for the first time (be it human or doodle) you need to carefully weigh the side effects, especially if a drug you have taken before will accomplish the same goal.  So glad this topic was raised because I hadn't thought about it for my Charlie until now!
I am allergic to sulfa drugs, have been all my life.  Never thought to ask about it for Rooney - thank you so much!!!!
How nice of your pets littermates family to notify you and alert you to a potential problem.  I wish I knew who and where Mitzi's littermates were just for health information.
Hope Duffy makes a full recovery.  That is what is so good about DK...the ability to share information!
Thanks for sharing the information. Sulfa drugs can be nasty. I have severe allergy to them. I was given them once when I was a kid and my whole face got swollen and I developed hives and breathing problems. A very common allergy indeed. Glad that you got to know about it and can be cautious with Shelby. Poor Duffy. I hope Duffy is doing better now.
I just joined DK today.  Duffy is doing better.  He went last Tuesday for a CBC, all counts were up, making lots of good platelets and had gained  2 1/2 pounds. He was 81 pounds in November at his yearly checkup and 69 pounds when we brought him home on Feb 9.  He goes again tomorrow for another CBC and maybe they will start reducing his meds.  He is shedding like crazy from all the drugs and as most everyone knows, these dogs don't shed.  It's everywhere.  The prednisone has made him all bony and he's lost muscle.  He is eating and eating and eating.  His goofy personality is starting to peak through now too.  He actually came charging outside today, jumping in the air when I got home.  It was so wonderful to see.  I'll keep everyone posted.  I don't yet know how this site works, I can use some help!

Hi Phyllis! Welcome to DK!  I am so happy to hear of Duffy's continuing improvement. What a terrible scare and ordeal for all of you to go through!!  Thanks for the update and it is my prayer that Duffy returns to his goofy self and has a complete recovery.


In case you have not found it yet there is a "help" button on the main page that leads you to a lot of information helpful to new members. Otherwise, feel free to ask-just post a discussion on the main page and someone will probably know the anwer!!

I did do the newcomers page.  I just need to spend more time on this and I'll figure it out. Duffy went yesterday and he gained 3.5 more pounds so he's up to 75 now!   He was bouncing all over the place and so excited to see his vet doctors and they were thrilled to see him so happy.  They also lowered the prednisone and took him off 2 of the other medications he was on. He's doing great.  He also is their "dog of the month!"  This is the link to Gulf Coast's face book page to read the article about Duffy and to see pictures!

Everyone here on DK has been so helpful.  Thank you all.



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