Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

If anyone got a doodle puppy at 8 weeks that weighed 10 pounds, I would appreciate hearing about what the doodle weighed as an adult. I am just wondering if there is a pattern at all. My biggest puppies in Lyric's litter are 6 1/2 weeks old now and weigh over 8 pounds. They should hit 10 pounds by the age of 8 weeks. The two smaller puppies weigh 7 pounds and will probably weigh about 8 1/2 at 8 weeks, Here is a picture of the largest puppy.

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Even with the parents' weights I think sometimes you never know....Seamus' parents are both around 50.  He is the biggest dog my breeder has ever go figure.  My breeder said that Seamus' mom's brother was around 90 so somewhere down the line was a large dog.  Seamus' sister (same parents different litter) is a fraction of his size when he was her age....she is not even 30 pounds and she is 6 months.  Sometimes, just like people, I think only time will tell  =)
You mean Porkchop is not the largest??  What happened to the rolly polly behemoth?
My breeder always said they will be somewhere in between their parents size. Jack actually is the smallest golden doodle that my breeder has bred that she is aware of. She has not been in touch will all the others. Jack's dad was 7 pounds and his mom was  I think about 30. Jack is going to be two in a few weeks and is 11 pounds, others in his liter are up to 20 pounds.
LOL!! Porkchop is just a few ounces behind--they both eat like they have never been fed before!
Buddy was 10 pounds at 8 weeks and at 14 months is around 30 pounds.  He is a mini....I think it all has to do with his breeding, mini vs standard as to how big they are going to you can see a lot of the pups were around 10 pounds at that age, but they are obviously very different grown up! :)
Whew! Thanks, guys! Looks like these guys could still end up in the predicted range---my Rio is the smallest at this point and I hope he stays small!
I think he will.......
Adorable puppy!   My 11 week old puppy weighs 20.5 lbs!   He's doubled in size since we brought him home at 8 weeks!!   Both parents are in the 60lb I'm sure he'll be big (but just how big!)?!  
Boy o boy...reading these posts sure scared me...Izzy was 12.6 at 8 weeks and at almost 5 months she is 25 lbs. I think if she ends up weighing 80 lbs I'll freak:) especially that her father is a miniature poodle!!! We are assuming she'll be around 50 lbs.
Echo was 10# at 8 weeks, now he is 43# as of a few weeks ago.
Peri was around 7 pounds when I got her at 9 weeks.  She is only 25 pounds.  She is a mini f1 goldendoodle.

Max was 9 lbs at 8 weeks and now at almost 3 yrs weighs somewhere between 30 & 35 lbs. He is an ALD and his mommy weighed 22 lbs & daddy 38 lbs. He gained 10 lbs over the next 2 mths then really slowed down after 16 wks and maybe gained 1 lb a mth. I think he finally reached his current weight about 1 1/2yrs old.

My vet thought he was going to be at least 50 lbs. And I wanted a lap dog :-)



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