Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A little background first - we have an electric fence and do allow our guys outside - checking on them every so often.


Around 6 tonight Sharon let the dogs out.  A little while later she hears them barking and my daughter gets a call that there is a man on our driveway trying to lure Boomer and Shayna to him.


Sharon goes outside to see what's going on and get the dogs in.


Our daughter calls 911 - it takes a long time for the police to get here.  By the time the police get here the guy is gone.


Please let's not make this a discussion on electric fences.  We must all be vigilant.

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OMD, that is horrifying. What a complete creep.

OMD Im so glad your daughter got the call! How scary


We live in a house, but next to us are lots of condos/apartments and the walk way is right next to our house. Of course Cooper sticks her head over the fence to say hi whenever someone walks past. Most people love to see her and comment how lovely she is. Just this morning a man was out there putting a tarp on the ground (what for I dont know) and asked DH if he could take a photo of Cooper. DH said yes, but the man was taking his time and DH brought Cooper inside. I commented that we need to be careful - if anyone researched what Cooper is they may find out they could make some nice money from stealing her. Cooper loves everyone so would probably quite happily go off with someone

I'm so glad that you got Boomer and Shayna back in time!  That is so scary!  We live in the city and I'm afraid to ever leave Cocoa out in the backyard without me because I think if she got out I would never see her again- and that would break our hearts!  There sure are some scary people out there!
Thank you for reminding us to be alert!  I am so glad that the dognapper was not successful.

I think the person who called to make you aware, they need some of thier favorite things!  Also, whoever did the doods training so the dogs started barking to make you aware something was going on too.  Hats off!

Thankfully your doodles are alright, but yes, this is a great reminder, especially with summer right around the

corner!  Keep your doodles safe, do whatever we can to do so.  This is up to us!

I'm just curious on what happened when your wife went outside?  Did she confront the guy and he ran off?  Did he have a car there that he was trying to lure them into, or was he just walking by and saw them.  I can just so see myself walking by someones house that had doodles and wanting to see them ...... I'm not sure if I would call them to me or not, but I'd definitely stop and look etc. 


Just by the responses that I get from people all the times about "oh yes, those are expensive right" I could definitely see people trying to see them, so this is a really great reminder to everyone, I was just curious.

That would scare me to death....I'm so thankful that everything turned out okay.

Wow, Very glad you are all safe & ok.  Very Scary.  There are many bad people out there.  I tell my dd all the time, you can not trust anyone.


Our neighbor lets her young kids play in the yard unsupervised...I look out at them way more then she does.  it drives me crazy. (kids are 4 & 7- but this has been going on since the 7 year old was 2)  Someone could steal them in 2 minutes or less.


One should be able to let their dogs out without having to be with them though : (

Thank goodness all turned out well.  How fortunate we are to have caring, alert people who are willing to involve themselves when things are going wrong!  Let's hear it for the "good guys!"  ;)  Yahoo!
That is terrifying. You are so lucky that the thief was thwarted.  It just goes to show how vigilant we all need to be. Dogs get stolen in Ireland too and I'm always worried about my Maltese terrier.  I would never leave a dog tied up outside a shop as I see lots of dogs are.
So sad that this has to happen in your own yard! We have a neighbor who left his dog outside during the day and a dog hater poisoned him! He has an idea who it was but can't prove it! TRUST NO ONE!!! So I'm glad to hear that you have such great neighbors! So happy that they are safe and the timing was in place! I would alert all your pet owning neighbors!



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