Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So I just found a gash on Darwin's leg. It looks like a "v", and each side of the "v" is about 1" long. It's from earlier today so the blood has clotted a little bit, but he's been licking it and blood is still coming away when I wipe it with a wet paper towel. I am going to take him to the vet tomorrow morning, but for tonight what should I do?
Rinse it with Hydrogen Peroxide? Is there some kind of ointment I should put on it? Do any of you have an idea of how I can keep him from licking it, because we don't have a cone. It's on his upper hind leg.
I would be worried about infection. I personally would take him in, it sounds like more than a superficial scratch. When you say a ton of stuff came off it, what kind of stuff?
Keep it clean and dry and watch for signs and symptoms of infection- redness, swelling, heat, oozing, pain or drainage.
I'd rather be safe than sorry (infection) Good luck and hope it gets better fast!
Maybe you could private message F Parker to see what she thinks about the need to go to the Vet. It sounds like you did all the right things. Poor Darwin.
F will say what Lynn said - watchful waiting.
So right. I didn't see this til now. As to tetanus, I don't know much about it in dogs but I would check with the vet just in case. In people it is of most concern with deeper wounds since tetanus needs anaerobic, no oxygen, conditions to grow. I wouldn't worry about antibiotic ointment or creams applied to wounds either. They might help and the small amount a dog might ingest should be no problem. I guess a lot of ointment on a deep wound might prevent oxygen from getting in but that seems farfetched, si I don't know why vets don't use ointments much. I don't have much vet experience since I only have gone on one occasion for the doods other than for regular visits.
The vet may give you antibiotic--that could be really important--but if it seems to be healing OK, then you could put that off unless you see an issue. My Lyric has two wounds on her back (she runs under a bush all the time and i think she got stabbed a bit) and I have been putting neosporin on for several days and it is healing up fine.
Calla get things like this on her head from trying to get under things like scratchy shrubs. Then I find these scab like things. I almost brought her in last time but I did watchful waiting. It's only a matter of time before she gets another.
Most of you are mothers to human children. What would you do if this were your child? I think you would clean it up and put an antibiotic ointment on it and bandage. Then if it got worse call the vet.
I know that we are overly protective of our little ones but sometimes we have to take a deep breath and not worry so much.
I do hope that this heals quickly.
To be safe you may want to call the vet and see what he/she thinks.
For me, the problem is that a dog has fur and does not have pores, so applying ointment to a dog's skin is a different proposition than applying it to human skin. Kids also don't lick their wounds. I know people do use antibiotic ointments on their dogs, but I have never done that, and I have never had a vet advise me to do it, in 35 years of being responsible for my own dogs.Wound treatment meds from the vet have always been in a powder, liquid, or spray form, as opposed to ointment. So I'm just not comfortable with that. This is just my own personal experience, but I have to think there's a reason why I've never been given an ointment for a dog, except for ear issues.
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