Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have to go out of town to a wedding, its going to be to long to leave the doodle here by himself. Have people that can let him out, but afraid of what we would come home to with all his alone time. Feel bad boarding him, it will be for 24 hours. Please tell me this is ok :/


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Thank you! I'll check into the extra playtimes ect. Great idea's :) Thanks

Most boarding places walk your dog 3 times per day. If they don't keep looking. Also, try to get him into a day care situation so he can play all day and then he will just pass out for the night.

It depends on the boarding facility.  Where we have boarded Fazzy, they have 10 acres, and the dogs are let out, supervised for a few hours in the morning and a few hours in the afternoon...they are only in kennels during feeding/sleeping.  Fazzy looooves it there.  Another option would to be to hire an "in home" pet sitter ...someone who would just stay at your house with your dog, keeps their routine intact.  We've done that as well.   Good luck with what you decide to's hard to leave the babies  :-)

I board my Shelby once or twice a year... The very first boarding experience was for a wedding and one night is a great test. Being let out twice a day seems minimal..... The place I take Shelby let's them out 6 times a day! I realize your options may be limited, but I would try looking a bit more or look in to a sitter who will stay in your home.
If you do board.... And there is nothing wrong with that... Many of us have to - it's important to keep our emotions light and happy during drop off... Your pup will pick up on your stress. I won't lie..... I cried after I dropped Shelby off, but it gets easier and I know she loves the place I take her and they love her too.... That sure does make it easier!!!!

Have you or anyone ever tried a website called  I don't know much about it other than I got an advertisement about it.  Supposedly it connects you with people who watch dogs in their home that are near you.  I am not recommending it since I don't know much about it but maybe someone else has heard of it and/or you can look into it.

My mother and father keep our Sophie when we travel however the last time we visited them Sophie got out of the house without their knowledge.  They live on a farm and are very far off the road but the yard is not fully fenced.  I got sick just thinking about her getting lost/hurt/abducted.  They are not used to having a dog inside so sometimes they forget and leave the door open etc.  They are wonderful to Sophie and spoil her rotten but I worry . . .  We are going to Gatlinburg, TN soon and we are taking her with us.  We do have local facility where we board her overnight very occasionally.  They have their own rooms, get play time for much of the day, get to swim if they want - it is a little pricey but worth it.  She went for daycare there last week and they gave us a little daycare report about how much fun she had.  I HATE leaving her but sometimes it is necessary. 

I've never boarded our dogs.  But we are lucky to have always been able to find friends to come by during the day.  They are let out four times a day for potty/play and always do great.  I have always figured they would feel more comfortable in their own home than in a kennel.  However, I'm sure your dog will do fine for 24 hours--do you know their schedule for taking dogs out for potty or play or walks?

They told us they were walked twice a day...did not say how many potty breaks. It was a dog run that he stayed in, so was better than a crate as i first thought. He was very happy to see us and grateful to be home so I dont think he thought to much of it. We paid extra so we could pick him up on Sunday.  And he stunk SO bad, he got a bath as soon as he got home and we had to throw away the chew and toys he took with him. Tuesday was his day at the groomer (thank goodness) so hes all fluffy and back to normal. He has been extra good this week, wondering if the stay has something to do with it :) we dont have a lot of options here, but we wont be boarding him again anytime soon. Im amazed at all the feedback I recieved...Thanks so much...LeAnn

I usually board my 2 when I have to travel but they are used to it because they go to daycare and I use the types of places where they are out playing all day and then in a suite (not crate) at night. 


here is one that I found in your area:

Here is a website that I've found helpful to at least identify possible locations.  I search the areas near me to see what comes up on that site and then visit potential locations in person.  There might not be much in your town, but check some of the other towns within driving distance to you or even near where you will be for the weekend (assuming you are driving there). The place I used to use was about 35 minutes away but closer to the airport so I didn't mind. 

I have never boarded our dogs either. Family or friends take them to their houses and it works out good for everyone. A bit hectic as we all have 2 dogs of our own, and none of these dogs are used to being crated. Murphy would resign himself to being crated easy enough but I feel he would be very anxious, but Bella would struggle to get out and make tons of noise. she would just not understand why she couldn't go play with the other dogs! So if you feel Loki will adjust to it easy enough then it sounds safer than leaving a young dog home alone for 24 hours, unless he is routinely home alone for long periods of time already? I'm more afraid of what mine would get into at home. We are still looking for the rest of what we think was a shirtsleeve that Bella puked up this morning. But she eats things whether we are home or not.

From now on I am going to have family/friends help out to. Loki is not use to being crated was a dog run indoors but he smelled SO bad when we picked him up, it was awful. He was so happy to see us and acted so grateful to be home, that Im guessing it wasnt a good expierence for him. We dont have a lot of options in our town and we dont go away for extended amounts of time, so friends/family its gonna be :) The stuff we took with him to the stay smelled so bad we had to throw it all away, and he got a bath asap. Also happened to be his week for the groomer so now hes all back to normal :) I can sure relate with you on the eating things....Loki eats everything he can get ahold of. We have to be very careful what we leave around and cupboards have cleaned off!! Noticed today I am short a black sock so im sure thatll be coming out one end or the other. All Doodles must eat stuff cause ive seen several talk about it. Thanks for your feedback :) LeAnn

Its OK. My Doodles love it. They get to play with a lot of other dogs. The only thing I hate is when I take them and pick them up. Its like the old days of having young children. Blankets ,toys,bowles,food.All they things they are used to so they know we'll be back.



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