Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am continually fascinated by the friendships made between dogs at my dog park. Sadie, for example, loves to play with puppies close to her own age. Her two best friends are a five-month-old German Shepherd puppy and a six-month-old retriever/lab mix. Whenever they see each other they joyfully run headlong toward each other as though they didn't just see each other the day before, and proceed to take turns chasing each other, tumbling each other, and generally making mischief. But what's even more interesting to me is which adult dogs Sadie chooses to bestow her affections on (whether they like it or not). She absolutely loves all Great Danes (and large dogs in general), and will follow them all around, jumping up to lick their faces. She also is very partial to a greyhound named Willow, who is utterly indifferent to Sadie's wheedling. As for the other doodles who come to the park (and there are at least four or five regulars), they are very ball-focused and not too interested in the other dogs, and Sadie has never shown much interest in them.

So my question for those of you who spend time in dog parks, or whose dogs spend times with other dogs--what dogs do your dogs love?

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Darwin loves Goldens, Labs, and other rambunctious breeds. :-)
Lyric loves poodles because they often want to run around like she does. Mattie is a "greeter"--she says Hi to every dog and person, but plays very little--just likes to hang out and observe. Rio loves his puppy brothers who all come visit now and then, but at the dog park he is just getting started at 8 months of age. I felt he was too little until recently and even now I am cautious about injury. I do know that he is pretty freaked out by Dobermans and German Shepards and my trainer pointed out that he is not used to dogs with high pointed ears, since he usually hangs out with other doodles. It is true that he gives them a double-take and sometimes even growls. There are no other doodles at the park and the closest to one is a Wheaten terrier--he likes to chase balls though. My three have no interest in chasing balls whatsoever!
That's really interesting about the pointy ears phenomenon. The only dog that Sadie really had a negative reaction to was a (very sweet and friendly) Briard puppy--although at 9 months, this "puppy" was already the size of a small horse. The first time she saw him she let out her warning bark (woo-woo-woo) and tried to leave the park! Each time she's seen him after that she's gotten gradually braver, even sniffing him and wagging her tail the last time. I could never figure out what it was about this particular dog, except that he was the wooliest, fuzziest, furriest little beast that we'd ever seen at the park, so perhaps she thought he was livestock and not a dog!

Vern and Fudge like hanging out with our pet sitter's Doberman. Vern likes almost all dogs. Fudge is more particular, but did used to play great with a Pit bull and a little hound of some kind at the dog park until we stopped going. Both my dogs LOVE to play with each other and chase and run, but their best friend of all is my daughter's French Bulldog named Bonzai.

Peri likes doodles best I think - daycare place says when other doods are there, she plays with them the whole day. Otherwise, she gravitates toward labradors.

And her bff is Max the Wheaten Terrier.  He kinda looks doodlish though!

Murph and Guinness like to play with each other.  Even on occasions when we have had them at the dog park (very rare) they pretty much hang out together and really aren't very interested in other dogs.  They tell me at Daycare that they do run around with all the other dogs, but I really don't think they're found themselves a BFF.

How could I forget that Peri also likes CHIHUAHUAS! Her bro Tacky is one!

Maddie loves playing with any dog that will run fast and play chase.  She is like a bullet and I can't believe how fast she can run.
My girl Lily loves her Springer sister and her brother who is a mini Dachshund.
Daisy "likes" some dogs but doesn't really play with many....she plays with my granddog Lily the Boxer, her sister Bella, and my friends ACD's Sophie and Saffron. But she truly LOVES Maggie my neighbors mix breed. She met her the 2nd day we had Daisy and Maggie was so sweet to her, ever since had nothing but kisses and bows to her. It is so cute.

Sasha loves All dogs...

She loves to run and play and have Fun...and it doesn't really matter to her what breed they are...

Of course...she's partial to Vern...Lol...

Our Holly absolutely loves our Maltese.  We have five of our own Maltese and usually have quite a few more as rescues. Right now we have ten rescues in our home due to some emergency rescue requirements.  I really think that if Holly did not have her Maltese friends, she would be very bored and, as a puppy, might have been a bit destructive. Holly welcomes all our rescue Maltese and it doesn't take her long to win over the Maltese who have had bad experiences with big dogs.    Even our little blind Maltese, Peli, who was fearful of Holly at first; has been won over by Holly and we see them occasionally napping together.  I have been trying to get a picture of that but, everytime I try, one of the dog's moves. Holly also absolutely loves any Maltese puppies that we have as rscues (we don't breed anymore).


Holly was very friendly with the three Doodle rescues we had with us this year and played wonderfully with Sophie and Skye and was quite mothering to Zoe, the Doodle puppy. We were pleasantly surprised because, Holly doesn't always like big dogs.  She is never aggressive towards them, she just avoids them. I think that having a big dog like Sophie in hour home was great for Holly.


However, the one best friend that Holly has in all the world is Shadow, our daughter's Labrador. Holly was an eight pound, even-week old puppy when she met Shadow and it was love at first site for Holly.  It took Shadow a bit longe to warm up to the fiesty Doodle puppy.  They play for hours and then lay in the floor kissing each other.  They also like to swim together in our pool.  Holly gets excited when she hears the word "Shadow" and really gets excited when we drive to our dughters house and come close to it.  Our daughter says that Shadow gets excited when they are driving and approach our house.


It's wonderful to see dogs who get along well together.  Of course, when you have ten to fifteen dogs at any one time, it is essential that they get along.  One of the main reasons we chose a doodle is because of their wonderful personality and our darling Holly is certainly a great example of "Doodleness".






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